This week’s learning…

In maths, we have been focusing on negative numbers. We have been investigating what happens when we add and subtract with negative numbers, and solving problems in the context of temperature.

In English, we have been looking a journalistic texts such as newspapers, magazines, broadcasts. We had the tricky task of taking a biased text and re-writing it from a neutral point of view. We will be writing our own magazine article next week, using notes we took from a live interview we watched, with Robin Hood.

In Science, we have been concluding our Science Investigation on heart rate. We have been explaining what we found out, and more importantly, why this happen!

In History, we watched a few video clips on the Battle of Britain, including film reels from the actual event itself. This has prepared us to write a letter from a RAF pilot’s point of view, informing his loved ones about what has been happening between Germany and Britain.

This week we also had the privilege of watching The Merchant of Venice, which was performed right here at our school-how amazing!! The class really enjoyed the play, and were able to follow it very well due to drama work we had done on it in class.


This week’s Golden Award went to Zuzanna for always displaying exemplary behaviour!

The Writing Award went to Joshua for doing an impressive job at taking a biased text and making it neutral-this was not an easy task!

The Maths Award for last week went to Jessica for her ability to use mathematical language to explain her methods.

Have a great weekend….I can’t believe there is only one more week left of this half term. They do say time flies when you’re having fun!

Miss Slater, Miss Evan & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

We have been doing so much this week!

In Maths, our big focus has been multiplication. We have looked at both mental and written methods and had a go at solving problems that require us to apply these methods. I have also been very impressed with the times tables test score this week. Keeping in mind there are 30 questions and they are very quick paced, everyone has upped their game and I have seen huge improvements to scores-including many full marks!

Our GPS focus this week has been inverted commas. We have all created information posters all about how to use inverted commas accurately in our writing…there are quite a few rules to remember! Some of us will be venturing to other classes to deliver a mini lesson on inverted commas, to help the younger children know how to use them accurately too!

In History we have looked at the chronology of events that took place during the Battle of Britain. We have also been discussing the question ‘Why was the Battle of Britain a significant turning point in British history?’

In Science we have been investigating how different physical activities can affect our heart rate, and more importantly, why?? We planned and did our investigation and we will be using our results to record our findings. Here are some pictures…

This week we have also started to look at the Shakespeare play ‘The Merchant of Venice.’ We have familiarised ourselves with the overall storyline and the characters. On Monday, we will put our acting skills to the test by performing the play in 10 scenes! This, of course, is all in preparation for the Royal Shakespeare Company coming to our school and performing the play for us on Tuesday afternoon-how privileged are we??!! Tickets are also on sale for the evening performance of The Merchant of Venice, at our school, which starts at 7pm. Tickets are only £5 so please, if you can, come along and see how amazing the play is for yourself!

Award winners:

This week’s Golden Award went to Sadie for being an amazing role model! She always tries her hardest, even in the face of a challenge (and even with a broken arm!)!

This week’s writing award went to Matthew for his well-written piece of writing, from the point f view of Sir Guy of Gisborne. His choice of punctuation and vocabulary was very effective!!

The Maths Award from last week went to Reece for his amazing mental maths!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

We have well and truly been shining our lights today….

Well I have to start by saying how proud I was of the class this morning. Along with other year 6 classes in Lancashire, we shared in worship at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church. We are sharing in the mission to be beacons of light, guiding others to follow Christ’s example. The whole class were so respectful during the Mass and this was followed by a workshop delivered by staff from Castle Rigg. This workshop gave us all the chance to think about how we shine our lights every day to guide others, just like a lighthouse that guides ships in the darkness. I had such a wonderful and reflective morning, and it truly did shine a light on just how wonderful this class is!

Here’s what else we’ve been up to…

EUROPEAN LANGUAGES DAY!! We dressed in the colours of the Polish flag and learnt so much more about the country and the Polish culture. We can even say a few words in Polish too! Of course we also got to sample a popular Polish snack, Paluszki….they were very moreish! It was so wonderful to see the whole school looking so multi-coloured in their attire, in celebration of countries from all over the continent!

In Maths, we have had a huge focus on mental and written subtraction. We are all not becoming increasingly more confident when choosing the most efficient method, whether it be a written method or one we can do in our heads.

In English, we completed our first Independent ‘Big Write’. We planned, drafted and editing a piece of writing inspired by the characters and storyline of Robin Hood, I am looking forward to reading over these amazing pieces of writing over the weekend!


The class have now received usernames and passwords for Bedrock, Sumdog and IXL. I have sent the IXL details home with the class today. If they can just have a go at logging in at home that would be great-just to check it works! They do not need to complete any units at home for IXL just yet.

No Golden or Writing Award winners this week, as were at Mass this morning.

A huge well done to our Head Girl/Boy and Deputy Head Girl/Boy, who lead the Reception welcome assembly on Monday morning. It was their first duty in their roles of responsibility and they did me proud!

Date for the calendar-Thursday 31st October World Maths Day!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

Here’s what we’ve been up to this week…

In Maths, we have continued with work on addition. We have looked at what questions we can work out mentally and which ones may require a formal written method. We have also been solving some addition problems. I have been really impressed with our ‘Morning Maths’ results too! Each morning, the class have 5 questions to complete and more and more children are getting all 5 correct. Next week, we’re aiming for 100% of the class getting them all correct!

In English, we have been focusing on colons, semi-colons and dashes, in our grammar lesson. Although many have found this a bit tricky to determine which one to use, we are starting to get the hang of them! We have also started to look at planning a story, inspired by the characters and events in the legend Robin Hood. We are looking at a first person narrative from Lady Marian’s point of view, so we can then plan our own story from another character’s point of view.

In Science, we have been taking a closer look at the heart. We know it has a vital role in the circulatory system, and there are many different parts of the heart. We’ve been using terms such as, atrium, ventricle, aorta, pulmonary veins/arteries.

In History, we have been researching The Battle of Britain, and practised taking notes on key information from the research we gathered. We now have a clearer understanding of the Who, What, Where, When and Whys? of The Battle of Britain.

Other information:

Don't forget that next Thursday 26th is European Languages Day. We will be coming dressed in the colours of the Polish flag-red and white!

HOME READING-please can you encourage your child to read regularly at home, and sign their diary to acknowledge this. I know we have some superb readers in this class, who read almost nightly! I would love to see the WHOLE class now reading on a regular basis. At least four times a week is what I would consider regular!

No Golden or Writing Awards this week. We did not have Golden Assembly due to school photographs.

This week’s Maths Award went to Natalie for her positive attitude towards her maths-always ready for a challenge!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend-make the most of the sun while it’s still here!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

Another great week in Year 6! It’s been so lovely to see how well everyone has settled in and I can tell they are all prepared for the year ahead.

Let’s have a look at what we’ve been up to….

In Maths, we have been looking at decimal place value and decimal/fraction equivalents. I have been happy to see so many children really challenging themselves and having a go at solving some problems. We have also looked at mental addition. We know how tempting it can be to rely on written methods all the time, be they are not always the most efficient. This week, we have been exploring the styles of addition questions that we can do in our heads.

In English, we have been doing some drama and using language effectively to build a setting. I was so impressed with everyone’s setting descriptions-we have personification, similes, onomatopoeia and expanded noun phrases in there! I was also blown away by the dramatic reconstructions the class did, in small groups. The re-wrote a scene from the original story of Robin Hood, but making it into a parody…their performances had me in stitches! Here are a few pictures of them in action….

In Science, we recapped the digestive system and then had an introductory lesson on the circulatory system. We looked at the basic function of the heart, lungs, arteries, veins and capillaries. Next week, we’ll be looking in more detail at the function on the heart.

In History, we were ordering key events from WW2, on a timeline. We also placed the start and end dates of WW1 so we could see the chronology. Next week, we will begin to look in more detail at one of those key event, The Battle of Britain.

Other information:

I would like to say a huge well done to all those children who delivered their heard girl/boy speeches, on Monday. I was brimming with pride listening to each and every one of them-it is not an easy thing to stand in front of the school and speak about yourself, yet they all did it with such confidence! It has made the task of deciding who will be head and deputy head girl/boy a very tough one indeed. These positions will be shared with the class on Monday. Every child in the class will be given a role of responsibility within the school as well, even if they have not been selected as head boy/girl!


This week I gave the Golden Award to Ella. Ella has made a fantastic start to the year. She oozes enthusiasm and works so hard in all she does-she clearly has high expectations of herself. Keep it up!

I gave the Writing Award to Fayth for her beautiful choice of language when building her forest setting!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well what a wonderful first week back this has been!

Every single child in Year 6 has worked their hardest and displayed exemplary behaviour….I am very excited for the year ahead! Year 6 will be filled with challenges, responsibility and opportunity and I can tell that this class are ready for the journey ahead!

I have had the privilege of watching this class grow from year 2 to year 4 and now will continue to watch them mature and blossom as they embark upon their final year in primary school.

I have been so pleased with the learning that has taken place this week, including place value in Maths and synonyms and antonyms in English. I can tell everyone has their ‘growth mindset’ caps on…we’ve been reminding each other about the importance of resilience, perseverance and optimism! This has clearly worked this week as the classroom has been such a positive learning space for all!


PE will be on Mondays and Tuesdays this term.

Please check the school calendar for any upcoming events taking place in school. This will include any days they may need to dress up, so it will be very useful to have a heads up!

Thank you to all the class for making this week such an enjoyable one! Please keep up the hard work!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray and Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater