Our learning this week…

In English we have begun looking at a modern retelling of a myth/ dilemma story and we have also been working on relative clauses.

In maths the children have been adding fractions and mixed numbers.

In RE we’ve been discussing the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation – a gift that Jesus has given to us which helps to deepen our relationship with him. The children recalled going to their own first confession and have written a guide for younger children.

In computing the children have had fun this week learning about a device called a Micro:bit and they explored the blocks within the code editor.

History - The children have learnt how important religion was to the Maya civilisation and have learnt about their gods and rituals such as blood letting.

In PE the children have worked together to complete orienteering activities.

In art the children have been learning about the Manchester born artist Chris Ofili, who uses colourful layering techniques, and have been experimenting with designs on the theme of the Maya Gods using his style.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Abigail

Maths - Sam

Writing - Maisy

Star Award - Idana & Kyran

Bedrock Competition

Here is our TOP 5 winners on the scoreboard:

1        Maisy                361 points    

2      Gabriella 298 points

3      Samuel 264 points

4       Ebony 234 points

5       Henri 222 points

Well done, keep up the great work!

Music medal

Well done to Vinny and Max, who have both been awarded their bronze music medals for drumming.👏🏻👏🏻

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Exercise and fresh air (Basics)

  • Find time for your interests (Coping)

Dates for your diary:

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Friday 20th May

On Friday 20th May Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’ on the KS2 Yard to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child - please see the letter that came home yesterday from our PTFA. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather! Many thanks.

KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend Year 5!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

Just a few dates for your diary ...

Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award

A reminder…

Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in school, we are now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups: 

  • children - Year 5’s will complete theirs in class.

  • parents - below is a link and we invite you to complete the survey.

  • teachers

  • governors

All questionnaires are on line and only live for one more week.

Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey, if you haven’t already, to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.



Dates for your diary:

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Friday 20th May

On Friday 20th May Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’ on the KS2 Yard to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather and keep an eye out for the PTFA letter which will be sent home soon with further details! Many thanks.

KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!

AuthorKay McVey

Today we celebrated International day of dance💃. The children looked fabulous in their dance outfits and in the morning they were treated to two dance sessions, Zumba and Country dancing, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. At the end of the morning, KS2 came together in the hall to watch children from Year 3 to 6 who had prepared a special dance to perform to the classes. A big well done to Alisha 👏🏻 and Ebony 👏🏻who performed from our class. Take a look at some photos and videos of our morning…

Our learning this week…

In English the children planned out their Greek myth from the point of view of Pandora ready to write their story.

In maths the children have been adding and subtracting fractions.

In RE we looked at the meaning of sin and reflected on how sin hurts us, others and our relationship with God.

In our Science lesson this week the children have identified the main stages of a baby’s development in the womb and have also compared the gestation periods of different mammals.

In history the children have begun to find out about the Maya civilisation and have explored events on a timeline.

In computing we have looked at the positive and negative effects of online communication and have explored different forms of communication including emojis, gifs and memes. The children also enjoyed creating their own memes

PSHE - In Bounce Forward the children identified emotions and learnt that they can link to the way we behave. They also explored positive coping strategies and created their own coping plan.

Spanish - The children consolidated the days of the week and the months of the year and found out about saints’ days and the Spanish custom of celebrating the day of the saint who has your name .

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Max

Writing Award - Alisha

Maths Award - Lillie S

Star Award - Idana

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Good housing - keep your bedroom tidy (Basics)

  • Take responsibility for yourself (Core self)

Please take a look at the new family version of the resilient framework which will help your family build resilience at home. There are some lovely ideas for resilient moves that you can make as a family.

Family version of the resilient moves framework

Our Lady receives prestigious National Award

We are delighted to announce that Our lady of the Assumption has received a prestigious national award for our role in giving young people access to cultural and creative learning as part of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) Associate Schools Programme (ASP). To find out more please read this letter.

Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award

Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in our class, school is now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups: 

  • children - Year 5’s will complete theirs in class.

  • parents - below is a link and we invite you to complete the survey.

  • teachers

  • governors

All questionnaires are on line and only live for 2 weeks from the 3rd May.

Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.



Enjoy your three day weekend and I’ll see you back at school on Tuesday. Swimming will take place as usual on Tuesday so don’t forget your swimming kit.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

Welcome back after the Easter holidays. I hope you all had a wonderful Holy week and enjoyed your time together. We’ve had a lovely week back in school and the children have worked really hard. However, I can’t believe that we’re already in the last term of our time together in Year 5, time truly does fly when you’re having fun!

Our learning this week…

In English we have been working on creating and punctuating complex sentences.

In maths the children have been comparing and ordering fractions greater than one.

In our Science lesson this week the children have looked closely at the life cycle of humans and have identified some of the main features of each stage.

In geography the children have been learning about the three stages of a river (upper, middle and lower) and have identified and described the features.

In computing the children have been using live loops to create music using Sonic Pi and then have worked with other children to evaluate their compositions.

PE - This week the children took part in relays as part of a team, which developed their understanding of basic orienteering symbols using a map key. They worked really hard and all teams successfully completed the challenge.

PSHE - We began our ‘Think Good, Feel Good’ sessions of Bounce Forward today which link to the Coping and Core Self Potion of the resilient framework. Using Disney’s Inside Out film, we explored all the emotions the children might feel and reinforced that it is ok to feel different at times and that is ok to feel sad, angry etc. It’s how we cope with it that helps us to be resilient.

Spanish - The children have been learning the days of the week and the months of the year.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Ollie

Writing Award - Samuel

Maths Award - Malachy

Star Award - Gabriella

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves of their Easter fun this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Get together with people you can rely on (Belonging)

  • Take responsibility for yourself (Core self)

RSC Youth Advisory Board Success

Well done to Maia who recently applied to the RSC to become a member of their Youth Advisory Board (YAB), which reports directly to the RSC’s main board. The YAB is made up of 30 young people aged 9-18 from Associate Schools from all over the country who have all chosen to take on a position of responsibility and advocate for Shakespeare and the Arts. They are all passionate about making a difference and wanting their voices to be heard. As Lead Associate School in this area, we are really proud that Maia will be our third pupil from Our Lady’s school to be accepted onto the board. Congratulations Maia, we’re sure that you’re going to do a great job!

Enjoy your weekend Year 5, I hope you get to enjoy more of this lovely weather we have been having.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

Today we undertook our sponsored ‘Walk Against Hunger’ walk and had our picnic outside the Solaris centre with a small reflection to think about those we were walking for. Thank you so much for all of your generous donations, together we managed to raise so much money for CAFOD and Brian House. The children behaved really well and made us all incredibly proud, well done Year 5!

Our ducklings …

On Monday morning our 6 duckling eggs arrived in school and we were all very excited. Our first two ducklings hatched on Monday night, two more arrived on Tuesday and then two more hatched on Wednesday. We will enjoy looking after the ducklings till next week when they go to their new home and over the course of the week, we will observe them as part of our Science work. Meet Beatrice, Benedick, Claudio, Don Pedro, Hero and Leonato…

Resilience conference

Well done to the children who took part in the Resilience conference this week. They shared their Shakespeare work with others and held mini workshops. Well done!

World Book Day…

Last week in school they celebrated World Book Day. I was sad I wasn’t there to celebrate with them but so pleased to see just how good they looked. Thank you for all your support in providing the children with great costumes…

Much Ado About Nothing

During our performance at the Theatre, professional photos were taken of their performance. Take a look, the children look great and the photographs capture their fantastic performance beautifully…

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Be brave (Coping)

  • Spend time with good people and in good places (Belonging)

Social media warning

Dear Parents,

I feel that I need to bring to your attention some of the issues that we are currently having in Year 5.

In recent weeks, I have been informed of a few issues where children are using inappropriate language/messages on social media towards each other. Although this bullying activity is not happening on the school site, it then affects behaviour, anxiety and subsequently lesson time and the learning of pupils in school.

We cannot regulate the online access that pupils have outside school, but if an issue of cyberbullying is reported to us, then we have a duty of care to inform the parents of the children involved.

There is clear guidance on the appropriate age ranges for certain online apps and I would like to draw your attention to these below.

WhatsApp recently announced a change to their terms and conditions for users based in Europe. Users need to be 16 to use WhatsApp.

Nearly all other social media services require users to be at least 13 years of age to access and use their services. This includes Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Musical.ly and Skype.

Whilst there is no age restriction for watching videos on YouTube, users need to be 13 or older to have their own YouTube account (enabling them to subscribe to other channels, like videos, post comments, share their own content and flag inappropriate content).

The online world is a minefield for children and the situation has changed significantly in the last 10-15 years, as a whole range of unlimited content, both good and bad is a few clicks away. Once something has been posted on social media, it is very hard to get rid of.

 I would ask parents therefore, to be vigilant and monitor what children are posting online.

Please also see our new online safety newsletter for further guidance.

Thanks for your support.


Despite the legal rules on Covid changing, we still ask parents NOT to send their child to school if they suspect they have Covid or have any Covid symptoms. The virus remains highly contagious and we have had a number of Covid cases in Year 5 and throughout school, so PLEASE do a test if you are not sure and keep your child at home. Many thanks.

As I’ve not been in school for most of this week, we’ll leave awards and update on our Bedrock competition next week. Next week concludes our Book club Lenten challenge - if your child has yet to finish their Lenten challenge book please encourage them to finish it this weekend so they are able to join in with our celebrations. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

Today, Year 5 have all come home with a sponsorship form. This Lent, Our Lady of the Assumption is looking to fundraise for both CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in its campaign to ‘Walk Against Hunger’ and also our local children’s cancer charity – Brian House. We will make it our own ‘Pilgrimage’ during Lent knowing that each little step we take will make a BIG difference. Each class will set its own Lenten walking target and in Year 5 we have chosen to do our walk to the Solaris Centre and the glitter ball on the promenade. Whilst we are there, we thought it may be nice to take a packed lunch and sit and have a picnic before returning back to school. The date we will go has not yet been finalised but I expect it to be in the last two weeks of this half term before Easter. I will update you soon. In the meantime, school are asking parents/families to sponsor their child/children to undertake their special ‘Pilgrimage Walk’. Once we’ve completed our walk, we will add our kilometres to CAFOD’s ‘ Walk Against Hunger Totaliser’.  The aim nationally is 40,000 km! This is a massive challenge, but by joining together we can all help stamp out hunger one step at a time. CAFOD is also supporting the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Thank you for your support.

Our Lent book challenge 📚🌟

I’m delighted with the enthusiasm the children have shown this week for our Lent book reading challenge. This week I was pleased to see so many of Year 5 finishing their first chosen book, taking their quiz and then challenging themselves to reading another. This is amazing Year 5, keep up the great reading!

Much Ado About Nothing 🎭

Show time is almost upon us and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your children for your dedication and hard work. We are incredibly proud of all your children for the work they have put in and we really hope that you are going to enjoy their performance.

Just a reminder of the details for Monday and Tuesday…

Monday 14th March - Technical rehearsal

We will go to the Grand Theatre by coach for our rehearsal at 10am and will return to school around 11am. The children are asked to come in their costume - black jogging bottoms, black t-shirt, black socks and black school shoes with school PE jumper/hoody.

Tuesday 15th March - Performance day

Children should come to school wearing their costume (as above). During the morning the children will be having a full dress rehearsal and they will have the opportunity to watch the other schools perform..

The children will need to bring with them a packed lunch and a water bottle. No sweets or fizzy drinks. The children will remain in the theatre during this time with staff. As there will be quite a bit of time spent between scenes in the changing room, the children may want to bring with them some small activities to keep them occupied whilst they are waiting - for example a book,  comic, colouring book, paper and pen… No electrical devices are allowed and nothing too noisy as the changing rooms are directly above the Grand Theatre stage.

After the first performance, you have arranged for your child to be collected from the stage door at Matcham Court at about 2.30pm (as soon as we can get the children out after the 1pm matinee performance).

During this break between performances, please make sure that the children eat before returning for the evening performance. Children need to return to the stage door in costume at 4:45pm for an ensemble workshop with the RSC. They will also need a water bottle.

The evening performance starts at 6pm and is expected to finish just over an hour after that - there is no interval. You will then be able to collect your child at the end of the evening. As there will be other schools leaving the theatre at this time, the children can be collected at about 7.30pm from the designated point not the stage door. Your child can be collected from outside the Body shop on Victoria Street. As we have duty of care at this time, please do not take your child without first signing them out from Our Lady’s staff. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Thank you all so much for your support.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Evie

Maths Award - Izzy

Year 5 Star Winner - Evie and Gabriella

Bedrock Competition

Here is our TOP 5 winners on the scoreboard:

1        Maisy                258 points    

2      Gabriella 214 points

3      Abigail 192 points

4       Franchesca 186 points

5       Ollie 181 points

Well done, keep up the great work!


Congratulations to the children from Year 5 and Year 6 who took part in the Bikeability training this week. The children spent two days outside with the Bikeability team, first on the playground and then out on the roads around our school, learning how to ride their bicycles safely on the road. The team were delighted with the behaviour of the children and the children were awarded their Level 1 and Level 2 badges. Well done cyclists! 👏🏻🚲

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Highlight achievements (Learning)

  • More healthy the relationships the better (Belonging)

World Book Day at Our Lady’s - 25th March

A reminder that although World Book day took place nationally at the beginning of March, we are going to celebrate it on the 25th March. We would like the children to dress as your favourite character from a book. Start thinking about your favourite character and what you might wear! I will also be asking the children to bring in their favourite book to support some activities that we will be completing on the day.

Phew what a week this has been! It has been a really busy one and the children certainly deserve their rest this weekend - well done Year 5! Hope you all have a restful weekend, ready for your performance next week!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

Blackpool Council have launched the Digital Blackpool Project to improve digital access to residents by providing them with the equipment, skills and confidence needed to access the digital world. If you’re interested please see this flyer for more information.

AuthorKay McVey

This week Year 5 have been working hard to put our scenes from Much Ado About Nothing on its feet ready for the Festival that we will be taking part in in March at the Grand Theatre. We’re so proud of how well the children have been working together as a team to tell the story and I’ve been amazed at what great actors they are. We’ve really played around with scenes and had to make many changes as we go, but everyone has adapted well and it’s really coming together.

Yesterday, a letter about the Festival came home and we would appreciate it if you could send back the reply slip to confirm attendance at the Festival. Thank you to those who have already sent back your reply slip. Please don’t forget that tickets are now on sale direct from the Box Office at the Grand Theatre, or their website (https://www.blackpoolgrand.co.uk/event/much-ado-about-nothing), so book early to avoid disappointment. Please ensure you book tickets for Tuesday 15th March, the day of our performance.

Our learning this week…

In maths the children have continued to work on perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes and in the context of problem solving.

In English, in addition to rehearsing for our performance of Much Ado About Nothing, we have been exploring the characters of Hero and Claudio at different times of the play. The children have written diary entries from the point of view of one of the characters at two different parts of the play to show the contrast in the characters’ feelings and thoughts.

This week in RE we have begun to talk about inspirational people and have discussed how Jesus was the most inspirational person to have lived. The children have reflected on Jesus’ mission and have looked at ways we can join in his mission.

In Spanish - The children have been consolidating their knowledge of number and have been counting.

Computing - This week the children have begun to tinker with a new software program called Sonic Pi which allows the children to compose their own music.

In PE the children have played Handball

In art the children have continued to make their sculptures inspired by Alberto Giacometti by applying modroc.

Year 5 School Council

This week Year 5 have been given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the role of School Council which is starting again across school. I was very impressed with how many of our class wanted to be part of it. This morning the children voted by secret ballot and this year’s Year 5 school councillors are Evie and Henri. Well done both of you!!

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Samuel

Writing Award - Gabriella

Maths Award - Maia

Year 5 Star Winner -

Bedrock Competition

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Maisy 491 points

2 Francesca 348 points

3 Gabriella 327 points

4 Abigail 312 points

5 Henri 256 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻

Times Table Rock Star Battle

I’m proud of all your efforts during the TTRS battle against Year 4 last week. On Friday Year 4 had managed to get ahead of us but with great effort, Year 5 were able to take and maintain the lead to the finish over the weekend. Well done Year 5!

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those of you who have shared your resilient moves…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Develop life skills (Help make tea for your family) ( Learning)

  • Be brave (Coping)

Well done year 5, you’ve all worked hard this week. Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

Our learning this week…

In maths the focus of our work has been measuring in cm and mm to work out the perimeter of shapes.

In English we have been exploring the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado about Nothing’. Year 5 will be putting together a performance of this play to be performed on the Grand Theatre stage. We will perform alongside other associate schools across Blackpool and Wyre as part of our role as Lead Associate school in partnership with the RSC and the Grand Theatre. More information will be sent home soon about this performance.

The focus of our work in RE has been on the Ten Commandments and why God gave us them. The children reflected on their importance and the difference they make to our lives.

In Science the children have explored how levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.

In history the children finished researching aspects of daily life and society in Ancient Greece and then shared their work with the rest of the group.

In Spanish the children have designed their own flags and have written sentences to describe them.

Computing - the children have continued to use the 3D design software package TinkerCAD to finish designing new tyres for a Mars Rover.

In PE the children completed tennis activities hitting a forehand or back hand hit and then played racquet and ball familiarisation relay.

In swimming on Tuesday the children all took part in life saving skills. They worked really well and the swimming teachers were very proud of them. Well done Year 5! Thank you for all your support in making sure they had appropriate clothing for this activity.

In art the children have begun making their sculptures inspired by Alberto Giacometti.

Yesterday we had a visit from Life Education, delivered by Stephen Boardman. He came in to talk to the children on the theme of looking after our mental health, as well as physical health – and the connection between the two using the Wellbeing Wheel. Through role-play the children explore the influence of friends on decision making and they identified and practised assertiveness skills.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Lily K

Writing Award -

Maths Award - Idana

Year 5 Star Winner -

Bedrock Competition

Bedrock have launched a new prize draw competition with some more fantastic prizes which started from the beginning of this half term till February 13th. You have all been entered into this competition and for a chance of winning, you just need to collect 140 or more points using Bedrock. If you go to the dashboard on your Bedrock account, you will find details of how you can collect points. Remember, you need to complete at least one Bedrock lesson for homework but to earn more points you can do more. Please remember, you should only complete ONE Bedrock lesson each day at home. In addition to Bedrock’s competition, we will also have our own in class Bedrock competition too. The member of our class who has the most Bedrock points by the end of half term will win a prize. Good luck Year 5!

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Maisy 387 points

2 Abigail 262 points

3 Gabriella 260 points

4 Henri 221 points

5 Franchesca 184 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those of you who have shared your resilient moves…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Find time for your interests ( )

  • Calming down when things get difficult and making yourself feel better (Coping)

Times Table Rock Star Battle

Don’t forget our battle against Year 4. Unfortunately, we are currently losing against Year 4 in the competition. Well done to the Year 5’s who have already taken part. It would be lovely if everyone can do their bit . I will be keeping an eye on the scores. The battle will finish at 6pm on Sunday. Good luck Year 5!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

On Tuesday we had a visit from Father Frank who came to meet the children in preparation for our class mass we attended on Thursday. Father Frank talked to the children and set them a challenge to answer in church. What does heal mean? Do you need to be healed? In mass yesterday Father then asked for their responses and the children came up with some great ideas and Father Frank explained to them the true meaning and where in the mass we talk about God healing us - “Lord I am not worthy to enter under your roof but only say the world and my soul shall be healed.” The children all behaved impeccably and our readers read beautifully. Well done Year 5, we were so proud of you all!

Our learning this week…

In maths the children have been dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

In English the children have finished their free verse poem about a classroom. I am really impressed with how creative they were and the poetic features they included.

In Science the children have explored the effects of water resistance.

In history we explored how enslavement was central to life in ancient Greece and they have begun to research aspects of daily life and society.

In Spanish the children have written sentences to describe the colour and shapes on different flags.

Computing - the children have been learning to use a new 3D design software package called TinkerCAD ready to design new tyres for a Mars Rover.

In PE the children have completed a small circuit of fun Boccia and Curling challenges that allowed them to focus on developing their technique, tactics and usage of equipment.

In art the children have finalised their drawings in the style of Alberto Giacometti in preparation to make their own sculptures.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Tyler

Writing Award - Idana

Maths Award - Lily

Year 5 Star Winner -

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those of you who have shared your resilient moves…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Get some fresh air (Basics)

  • Develop a life skill (Learning)

Swimming 🏊🏻

On Tuesday the children will be learning life saving skills in their swimming lessons and have been asked to bring in either a long sleeved thin top and shorts or short sleeved top and long legged bottoms (pyjama style). (Jean material will not be accepted.) These will be worn over their swimming costume and they will be expected to remove them when they are in the water. Good luck Year 5!

Other Notices:

  • PE days are on Tuesdays (Swimming) and Fridays this half term.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school - no other jewellery.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • If your child is showing any cold symptoms PLEASE test them for Covid using a lateral flow test and if in any doubt, please go for a PCR. We must all do what we can to ensure this does not spread through school - we all know how quickly germs spread among children and although they might not be badly affected, those around them may well be. Many, many thanks for your continued support on this issue.

  • A reminder that I will update the Home Learning page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.

Well done for all your hard work this week, including those of you at home, and we hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

For your information :

Active Blackpool February Sports Camp

Active Blackpool have been in touch about their Sport Camp sessions that they have on offer. These are for children and young people with mild to moderate additional needs to experience sporting and physical activities they may be already familiar with, but also some new and exciting activities along the way. Monday 14th February 2022 – Friday 18th February 2022 08.30 – 17.30

Full and half day options available. Please contact active.blackpool@blackpool.gov.uk for bookings and further information.

Information for mental health

We’ve been asked to share this link from the NHS. https://web.ntw.nhs.uk/selfhelp/ The link takes you to a range of self help guides.

AuthorKay McVey

We’ve had a fantastic week in Year 5! On Wednesday, the children were professionally filmed for our Christmas Carol Concert “A Christmas Window”. They all did really well and we look forward to being able to share this with you next week for you to enjoy.

Also this week, Year 5 were set a number of challenges in our DT/Science lessons. In the first of these sessions, the children were split into three groups and given a different challenge. One group had to make a simple frame from wood, using tools safely. The second group had to make a a moving vehicle using tech card and their knowledge of circuits and the third group had to make a vehicle shell for a chosen planet and design it using their knowledge of that planet. All the children worked extremely well and completed their challenges successfully…

The children were then put into small groups and together as a team they were set the challenge of designing and making a moon buggy model. The children designed their buggy, deciding on the materials that they would need and set off making it. By the end of the morning the children finished their moon buggies. I am so impressed with how hard they all worked and more impressed with the maturity they all showed, working in their teams supporting each other and with good cooperation and collaboration. Take a look at what they achieved so far. Next week we’ll finish them and post some photos.

Our other learning this week:

English - They have continued to look at poetry and have compared more traditional poems that contain regular rhythm and regular rhyme to free verse poems which contain line breaks and irregular rhythm and rhyme. They have also begun to write and have experimented using personification and used description to build images around a single idea.

Maths - The focus this week has been identifying finding factors and multiples of numbers.

RE - The children used the Bible to record the key points of the conversation between God and Moses.

PE -Please see the recording below of the work the children have been doing. It’s not quite finished but the groups have done a great job so far choreographing their own group pieces to put together as one whole dance.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Vinny

Writing Award -

Maths Award - Lily K

Year 5 Star Winner - Lily K

Bronze medal awards

Well done to all of these children who took their Bronze medal award in their chosen instrument (Flute or Clarinet) and passed with flying colours! I’m so proud of you all and I know Miss Benson was extremely proud of you all too!


Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Francesca 563 points

2 Gabriella 386 points

3 Maisy 346 points

4 Alisha 316 points

5 Samuel 304 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻 Don’t forget Year 5, this next week will be your last chance to earn 140 points by the 19th December to be entered into the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize. Don’t forget our in-class competition too - there will be a prize for the member of Year 5 who has the most points by the end of next week.

Resilient moves…

Thank you to all the children who shared their resilient moves this week.

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Fresh air and exercise (Basics)

  • Take responsibility for yourself (Core Self)

Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner🎄🎅🏻

A reminder that our PTFA are holding a Christmas Jumper Day on December 14th, when children (and staff) can wear their lovely festive jumpers and bring £1 - this is also our Christmas Dinner Day in school.

Other notices:

Cold days

As we are having to keep the classrooms well ventilated, it can get quite cold in the classroom at times. Due to this, the children are welcome to wear extra layers of clothing under their school uniform and/or they can bring in their PE hoodies should they wish to double up on top of their jumpers/cardigans.

Please also ensure that your child comes to school with a warm coat (and hat/scarf/gloves for those really cold days) everyday for playtimes as we will go out in all weathers for fresh air and exercise.

Well done Year 5. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey

As part of our involvement with the Blackpool Young Poets project, we had a visit from a poet called Charlotte Wetton yesterday who came to work with the children to edit their poems. The children have been working really hard on their poems this week which have been based on their visit to Blackpool Central library and the window art. During Charlotte’s visit, she shared a poem with the children and worked with them to improve the language used. The children then had a go at improving aspects of their own poems and Charlotte gave them some great tips on how to perform their poems confidently. I’m so proud of how hard the children have worked and how brilliantly they behaved and participated in the poet workshop. Well done Year 5!

Our learning this week…

In maths the children have been using line graphs to solve problems and have been reading and interpreting tables.

In RE the children have listened to the story of Abraham and Sarah, learnt about the Covenant God made with Abraham and have reflected on Abraham’s trust in God.

In Science the children have explored the effect that gravity has on objects and have measured the force of gravity using Newton meters.

In geography the children have been using all the skills they have been learning over the last term to create a travel itinerary (including location on maps, latitude and longitude for absolute location, climate, time zones) for a group of travellers who are travelling through America.

In PE the children’s Space dance is really starting to take shape. This week they have begun to tidy up their own choreographed dance piece in groups and have been performing it to music.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Kyran

Writing Award - Evie

Maths Award - Samuel

Year 5 Star Winner - Idana


Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Francesca 443 points

2 Gabriella 254 points

3 Alisha 245 points

4 Samuel 213 points

5 Ollie 192 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻 Don’t forget Year 5, you need to earn 140 points by the 14th December to be entered into the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster below). Don’t forget our in-class competition too - there will be a prize for the member of Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.

Reading for our Reception Buddies

Well done to Ebony and Ollie who have completed the challenge to read a story to their buddy with such great expression and enjoyment. I know Reception have really enjoyed listening to your story telling.

Resilient moves…

Thank you to all the children who shared their resilient moves this week, it’s great to see what you’ve been up to and the great achievements too. Well done!😊

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Know and understand yourself (core self)

  • Good housing - keep your bedroom tidy (basics)

Christmas Jumper Day 🎄🎅🏻

Our PTFA are holding a Christmas Jumper Day on December 14th, when children (and staff) can wear their lovely festive jumpers and bring £1 - this is also our Christmas Dinner Day in school (more details to follow about this!)

Other notices:


Please note that swimming is a cumpulsary part of the PE curriculum and therefore if the children are in school then they should be going swimming. It has been brought to my attention that there have been a small number of children who have not brought their swimming kit in and have said that they are not well enough to swim. School policy is that if your child is well enough to be in school, then they are well enough to swim. Unless school are informed of reasons why your child may not be able to swim by a parent, then clean school swimming kit and a towel will be provided for them to take part. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Cold days

As we are having to keep the classrooms well ventilated, it can get quite cold in the classroom at times. Due to this, the children are welcome to wear extra layers of clothing under their school uniform and/or they can bring in their PE hoodies should they wish to double up on top of their jumpers/cardigans.

Please also ensure that your child comes to school with a warm coat (and hat/scarf/gloves for those really cold days) everyday for playtimes as we will go out in all weathers for fresh air and exercise.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey