We’ve had a fantastic week in Year 5! On Wednesday, the children were professionally filmed for our Christmas Carol Concert “A Christmas Window”. They all did really well and we look forward to being able to share this with you next week for you to enjoy.

Also this week, Year 5 were set a number of challenges in our DT/Science lessons. In the first of these sessions, the children were split into three groups and given a different challenge. One group had to make a simple frame from wood, using tools safely. The second group had to make a a moving vehicle using tech card and their knowledge of circuits and the third group had to make a vehicle shell for a chosen planet and design it using their knowledge of that planet. All the children worked extremely well and completed their challenges successfully…

The children were then put into small groups and together as a team they were set the challenge of designing and making a moon buggy model. The children designed their buggy, deciding on the materials that they would need and set off making it. By the end of the morning the children finished their moon buggies. I am so impressed with how hard they all worked and more impressed with the maturity they all showed, working in their teams supporting each other and with good cooperation and collaboration. Take a look at what they achieved so far. Next week we’ll finish them and post some photos.

Our other learning this week:

English - They have continued to look at poetry and have compared more traditional poems that contain regular rhythm and regular rhyme to free verse poems which contain line breaks and irregular rhythm and rhyme. They have also begun to write and have experimented using personification and used description to build images around a single idea.

Maths - The focus this week has been identifying finding factors and multiples of numbers.

RE - The children used the Bible to record the key points of the conversation between God and Moses.

PE -Please see the recording below of the work the children have been doing. It’s not quite finished but the groups have done a great job so far choreographing their own group pieces to put together as one whole dance.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Vinny

Writing Award -

Maths Award - Lily K

Year 5 Star Winner - Lily K

Bronze medal awards

Well done to all of these children who took their Bronze medal award in their chosen instrument (Flute or Clarinet) and passed with flying colours! I’m so proud of you all and I know Miss Benson was extremely proud of you all too!


Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Francesca 563 points

2 Gabriella 386 points

3 Maisy 346 points

4 Alisha 316 points

5 Samuel 304 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻 Don’t forget Year 5, this next week will be your last chance to earn 140 points by the 19th December to be entered into the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize. Don’t forget our in-class competition too - there will be a prize for the member of Year 5 who has the most points by the end of next week.

Resilient moves…

Thank you to all the children who shared their resilient moves this week.

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Fresh air and exercise (Basics)

  • Take responsibility for yourself (Core Self)

Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner🎄🎅🏻

A reminder that our PTFA are holding a Christmas Jumper Day on December 14th, when children (and staff) can wear their lovely festive jumpers and bring £1 - this is also our Christmas Dinner Day in school.

Other notices:

Cold days

As we are having to keep the classrooms well ventilated, it can get quite cold in the classroom at times. Due to this, the children are welcome to wear extra layers of clothing under their school uniform and/or they can bring in their PE hoodies should they wish to double up on top of their jumpers/cardigans.

Please also ensure that your child comes to school with a warm coat (and hat/scarf/gloves for those really cold days) everyday for playtimes as we will go out in all weathers for fresh air and exercise.

Well done Year 5. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost

AuthorKay McVey