Welcome back after the Easter holidays. I hope you all had a wonderful Holy week and enjoyed your time together. We’ve had a lovely week back in school and the children have worked really hard. However, I can’t believe that we’re already in the last term of our time together in Year 5, time truly does fly when you’re having fun!
Our learning this week…
In English we have been working on creating and punctuating complex sentences.
In maths the children have been comparing and ordering fractions greater than one.
In our Science lesson this week the children have looked closely at the life cycle of humans and have identified some of the main features of each stage.
In geography the children have been learning about the three stages of a river (upper, middle and lower) and have identified and described the features.
In computing the children have been using live loops to create music using Sonic Pi and then have worked with other children to evaluate their compositions.
PE - This week the children took part in relays as part of a team, which developed their understanding of basic orienteering symbols using a map key. They worked really hard and all teams successfully completed the challenge.
PSHE - We began our ‘Think Good, Feel Good’ sessions of Bounce Forward today which link to the Coping and Core Self Potion of the resilient framework. Using Disney’s Inside Out film, we explored all the emotions the children might feel and reinforced that it is ok to feel different at times and that is ok to feel sad, angry etc. It’s how we cope with it that helps us to be resilient.
Spanish - The children have been learning the days of the week and the months of the year.
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Ollie
Writing Award - Samuel
Maths Award - Malachy
Star Award - Gabriella
Resilient moves…
Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves of their Easter fun this week…
What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.
This week’s resilient moves challenges are:
Get together with people you can rely on (Belonging)
Take responsibility for yourself (Core self)
RSC Youth Advisory Board Success
Well done to Maia who recently applied to the RSC to become a member of their Youth Advisory Board (YAB), which reports directly to the RSC’s main board. The YAB is made up of 30 young people aged 9-18 from Associate Schools from all over the country who have all chosen to take on a position of responsibility and advocate for Shakespeare and the Arts. They are all passionate about making a difference and wanting their voices to be heard. As Lead Associate School in this area, we are really proud that Maia will be our third pupil from Our Lady’s school to be accepted onto the board. Congratulations Maia, we’re sure that you’re going to do a great job!
Enjoy your weekend Year 5, I hope you get to enjoy more of this lovely weather we have been having.
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost