Our learning this week…
In maths the focus of our work has been measuring in cm and mm to work out the perimeter of shapes.
In English we have been exploring the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado about Nothing’. Year 5 will be putting together a performance of this play to be performed on the Grand Theatre stage. We will perform alongside other associate schools across Blackpool and Wyre as part of our role as Lead Associate school in partnership with the RSC and the Grand Theatre. More information will be sent home soon about this performance.
The focus of our work in RE has been on the Ten Commandments and why God gave us them. The children reflected on their importance and the difference they make to our lives.
In Science the children have explored how levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
In history the children finished researching aspects of daily life and society in Ancient Greece and then shared their work with the rest of the group.
In Spanish the children have designed their own flags and have written sentences to describe them.
Computing - the children have continued to use the 3D design software package TinkerCAD to finish designing new tyres for a Mars Rover.
In PE the children completed tennis activities hitting a forehand or back hand hit and then played racquet and ball familiarisation relay.
In swimming on Tuesday the children all took part in life saving skills. They worked really well and the swimming teachers were very proud of them. Well done Year 5! Thank you for all your support in making sure they had appropriate clothing for this activity.
In art the children have begun making their sculptures inspired by Alberto Giacometti.
Yesterday we had a visit from Life Education, delivered by Stephen Boardman. He came in to talk to the children on the theme of looking after our mental health, as well as physical health – and the connection between the two using the Wellbeing Wheel. Through role-play the children explore the influence of friends on decision making and they identified and practised assertiveness skills.
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Lily K
Writing Award -
Maths Award - Idana
Year 5 Star Winner -
Bedrock Competition
Bedrock have launched a new prize draw competition with some more fantastic prizes which started from the beginning of this half term till February 13th. You have all been entered into this competition and for a chance of winning, you just need to collect 140 or more points using Bedrock. If you go to the dashboard on your Bedrock account, you will find details of how you can collect points. Remember, you need to complete at least one Bedrock lesson for homework but to earn more points you can do more. Please remember, you should only complete ONE Bedrock lesson each day at home. In addition to Bedrock’s competition, we will also have our own in class Bedrock competition too. The member of our class who has the most Bedrock points by the end of half term will win a prize. Good luck Year 5!
Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:
1 Maisy 387 points
2 Abigail 262 points
3 Gabriella 260 points
4 Henri 221 points
5 Franchesca 184 points
Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻
Resilient moves…
Thank you to those of you who have shared your resilient moves…
What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.
This week’s resilient moves challenges are:
Find time for your interests ( )
Calming down when things get difficult and making yourself feel better (Coping)
Times Table Rock Star Battle
Don’t forget our battle against Year 4. Unfortunately, we are currently losing against Year 4 in the competition. Well done to the Year 5’s who have already taken part. It would be lovely if everyone can do their bit . I will be keeping an eye on the scores. The battle will finish at 6pm on Sunday. Good luck Year 5!
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost