I can’t believe how wonderfully the children have settled back to school life! I have felt proud and humbled by the wonderful way they have all entered their new classes, learned new rules and routines, and began their learning again in this new school year.

You are all truly amazing!

The teachers here at Our Lady’s are so committed and have worked incredibly hard to make the new school year a positive transition and get their classes off to the best start possible. To lead others is not always an easy task and can at times prove challenging, however it is a gift to take that responsibility and serve with gentleness, just as Jesus did. Please know that they will love your children and always want the very best for them.

New Responsibilities…

Over the last week our Year 6 children have considered which positions of reponsibility they feel they are able to take on during the coming year. On Monday we heard some wonderfully inspring speeches from those children who wished to take on the role of Head Boy and Girl. They reminded us all of the talents, skills and gifts they had all developed through their time at Our Lady’s and explained how they were now ready to use those skills to represent our school. It was inspiring to watch the children congratulate each other as they each returned to their seats; such a great reflection of the class team they have formed.

On Friday all positions of responsibility were allocated and our Head & Deputy Head Boy & Girl were announced at a beautiful assembly on our school field. This was made even more poignant as Fr Jim came across to then bless the children in front of the whole school, reminding us all of the importance of these new roles and the mission of Christ which the children will carry on though their positions of leadership.

It reminded us that we all walk in the footsteps of Jesus and that that every task we undertake holds great resposibility: in Mother Teresa's words: 'Not all of us can do great things; but we can do small things with great love'.

We can now celebrate the decisions made as the importance of service in school comes to life. We give thanks to God for our children’s roles and the love they show to one another.


This means that we can now officially congratulate our new Head Boy and Head Girl Declan and Isabella, and our new Deputy Head Boy and Girl Jacob and Eliza!

Everyone at Our Lady of the Assumption wishes you and all of your class happiness, strength and courage in your new leadership roles.


A poignant farewell…

It was also a fitting farewell to Fr Jim at our Friday assembly as he gave his blessing on the Y6 children beginning their new roles and then to the whole school.

Fr Jim had come across wearing the new stole which the children had presented to him at the mass on Our Lady’s Birthday. He explained that when he arrived at Our Lady of the Assumption to begin his role as our Parish Priest, the Y6 children were only just finding their way in school (just like him) as they were in Reception Class, and it had been his privilege to watch them grow and mature during the years he had been here.

Well Fr Jim… we all feel just the same!

It has been our privilege to have you here as our Parish Priest. You have given us your time, your love and support and we have been all the better for it. We will miss you very much and we wish you every success and happiness in your new role in Ulverston.

(We hope that the children, staff and parishes there, realise how lucky they are!)

AuthorGuest User

It has been a delight to be able to welcome all of the children back to Our Lady’s family again this week… although I really don’t believe its been six weeks since we broke up for Summer! Time goes far too fast!!!

I would first like to thank parents and families for your patience in our return these last two days. I appreciate confusion was caused for EVERYONE as we tried to establish our new entrances and routines (not helped that even I forgot some arrangements and was sending parents to the wrong gate - HUGE APOLOGIES for that!) But thank you all for your patience and understanding as we get routines established again and the children are confident in where they come to/line up etc and with which teacher!

I know some parents have expressed their concerns at how busy Thornhill Close is now. I am hoping that as everyone becomes more familiar with their entrance and exit routines (& times) this will alleviate so many parents arriving earlier that they need to and having to wait in one area for a long time. We actually have less pupils arriving at that entrance than we did last year so this issue should rectify itself very soon.

COVID Update

As you know, COVID cases are again on the increase. Unfortunately we must leave arrangements as they are at the moment as all schools must have a contingency plan ready for being able to step back into tighter restrictions if required.

I know I have said this many times over the past year, but thank you… we have got to this point through the actions of every individual and now we need to build on this solid foundation. We all need to learn to live with this virus whilst continuing to keep each other safe. Please if you haven’t read all our updated guidance (available here), please do, as these documents confirm all those little things that we have removed or introduced.

There is a letter which has been produced by Public Health in Blackpool (available here) which presents scenarios and helps to provide answers to the questions you may have. These documents will continue to change as the year progresses and any changes will be communicated with you. Most importantly please always err on the side of caution and if your child develops any of the three symptoms associated with the virus keep them at home and book a PCR test. If we know that your child has been in contact with a positive case within school we will text/phone to recommend you book a PCR test. Both of these actions will help us to minimise the spread of the virus.

It is also worth reminding you that if your child will be absent, due to COVID symptoms - or any other sickness, that you please inform the office by phone (01253 762833) or email (admin@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk) as soon as possible and not simply report the absence through your child’s class email.

Some sad news…

Members of the parish were informed during the Summer that Fr Jim has been asked to move to another Parish in a couple of weeks time by Bishop Paul, bishop of Lancaster.

We are all devastated at this news as Fr Jim has been a wonderful support to us, not only in his roles as our Parish Priest and Dean of Blackpool, but most especially in his genuine love and care for our school, our staff and our children and families. Fr Jim will not be replaced. Therefore we will not have a Parish Priest at Our Lady of the Assumption from 20th September. We have been informed that Canon Chris Loughran will be overseeing our parish along with the parishes of St Cuthbert’s and St John Vianney, where he will be residing.

On behalf of our whole community we say a huge, huge thank you to Fr Jim. Thank you for your care. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your sharing of your time. Thank you for your science and IT skills. Thank you for your encouragement & most of all, thank you for your love. Our Lady of the Assumption school and parish are forever indebted to you and will never forget you!

School will have a special mass on the Feast of the birthday of Our Lady (8th September) when KS2 classes will celebrate mass with the parish (and KS1 also, through a live link) where we can officially bid farewell to Fr Jim.

We are so sorry to be losing you!

A new Adventure

This morning (and throughout the coming week, our Year 6 children from last year have (and will) all commenced their high school journey. We wish them well and know they will continue to find that inner strength as they meet new challenges and grow into the human beings Christ made them to become.


And so… as we head into our new school year we have so much to be thankful for and, at a time when the world needs a warm embrace, our prayers are never more needed.

We especially ask for all of your prayers for Amy - who should have joined Year 4 this year, but unfortunately has had to undergo further treatment in hospital. All our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. We are all praying for you and wishing you well Amy and we look forward to you joining the Year 4 class when you are strong enough again.

Together, act by act, prayer by prayer, we have the power to slowly bring the Kingdom of God to life…  we have the power to support each other through Christ who strengthens us.

Enjoy a restful weekend

AuthorGuest User

Thank you to Everyone

I have few words to express the frustrations, anxiety, fears etc which the past 15 (or so) months have brought. All I can say is, that I am so proud of the way everyone in Our Lady of the Assumption School have taken every challenge in their stride, remained positive, and worked as hard as they could to keep our little school as safe as they possibly could during this terrible time. I am so immensely thankful and humbled by our children and staff and the amazing way they have dealt with every problem which has come their way. In fact, not only dealt with - but remained upbeat and smiling through every challenge which (more often than not) was thrust upon us at the eleventh hour! Our school has worked together and supported one another other, being humble and always learning together. I am truly blessed to be a part of Our Lady of the Assumption.

Sad news and happy news…

As we come to the close of another school year, Our Lady’s has quite a few changes going forward.

We first have to say some sad goodbye’s to some of our most long serving and much loved staff. Mrs Mahoney, who has worked for over 20 years in our KS1 and Reception Classes has announced her retirement as we break for the Summer holidays!

Also taking a well earned retirement is our wonderful cook, Mrs Judy Fawcett. Judy has been with Our Lady’s for many, many years and will be sadly missed (not least for her barbeque chicken and amazing flapjack!!!)

And (as if that wasn’t enough…) one of our Welfare Staff Mrs J Hemstock will also be retiring this Summer!

We certainly owe a debt of gratitude to these ladies, who have supported, guided, loved (& fed) your children for many, many years. I know you will join me in thanking them SO much for all their care and service towards all of Our Lady’s Community through the years and wish them well for their retirements!


We also celebrate the extremely happy news of the marriages of 4 (yes 4!) of our staff this Summer. Firstly that of Miss Slater who will be getting married at Our Lady of the Assumption this Saturday. She will become Mrs Murphy from September.

We also have the wedding of Mr Whetnall during the Summer Holidays (luckily we have no name change there…)

We then have Miss Dixon’s wedding which again takes place during the Summer break. She will become Mrs Holden from September.

Finally (for this year) we have Mrs Murray from Year 6 who also ties the knot during the Summer! She will then become Mrs Owen!

Our Lady’s family wishes each of them every happiness as they begin this new chapter in their lives. (And we all hope we can remember their new names!!!!)

We also welcome a new staff member at this time… Miss Whitehead!

Miss Whitehead will be joining us as our new Year 4 teacher for September. The children have already met her and she will be working alongside them all to get to know them well over the next 2 weeks. We ask God to bless her and welcome her into the wonderful family of Our Lady of the Assumption!

School Uniform

With the summer holidays fast approaching parents and carers may be looking to purchase school uniform for the new school year. One of our uniform suppliers, 1st Class Kids have sent us details of how you can purchase uniform from them. Please click here for the latest from them.

Our other uniform supplier is The Uniform and Leisurewear Company who are on Clifton Street in the town centre. Their website is: https://www.ualonline.uk/

A reminder of our school uniform requirements, including hairstyles, will be re-issued along with your child’s report. Please, please ensure that you read this carefully and avoid any unnecessary mistakes when your child returns in September. Governors, staff and myself want to ensure that we start this new school year as we mean to go on, so will be ensuring that this is adhered to. We thank you, as always for your support with this.

September Timetable:

We break for the Summer holidays on Friday 16th July at our usual time (1.05pm/1.15pm). There will be After School Club on this afternoon.

From September we will return to a more ‘normal’ school timetable BUT will start the year with our staggered starting and finishing times so that we can still avoid large crowds of parents having to wait together in the playground: We will also remain using both of our school entrances.

Our new starting & ending times will be closer together with the first family groups entering at 8.45am and the second groups entering at 8.55am. Therefore final register and start of school will be as soon as second groups of children enter at 8.55am - so anyone arriving after 9.00am will be recorded as late.

The school day will end at 3.15pm & 3.25pm Monday to Friday.

Timetable including the groups & entrance for your child will come out in a letter with your child’s report.

AuthorGlynis Wilson

Coronavirus Update

As you will be aware we are devastated to have had to close 3 class bubbles over the past few days due to 3 confirmed positive cases of coronavirus.

This has saddened us all tremendously.

It is something which has made all of us very anxious, but is obviously something we must take very seriously and ensure that we are following guidance and keeping ourselves and others safe. It is incredibly frustrating, especially when we were expecting restrictions to be lifted and also when we see crowds of people at sporting events such as Euro 2021 and Wimbledon!

I have had a letter from Dr Arif Rajpura - our Director of Public Health for Blackpool who has written to all families reminding us all to remain alert and rigidly stick to the guidance in light of the rapidly spreading Delta variant in the North West.

Read his letter HERE

As you can see, Dr Rajpura is asking us all to keep to the guidance, keeping our distance from others when collecting and dropping off children, wearing masks and continuing our strict handwashing practices.

This variant is spreading extremely rapidly which means our R rate is higher than the rest of England:

Latest R number range for England -

Range for England                1.2 - 1.4 

Range for the North West    1.3 - 1.5

Last updated on Friday 18 June 2021


Current symptoms - Delta Variant

As more and more people are contracting the virus due to this new variant - we in schools are being asked to take notice of children who are exhibiting slightly different symptoms from the 3 which we are used to (Persistent cough / high temperature / loss or change in taste or smell) and now included for children are “…cough and loss of smell or taste as less common symptoms for people who have contracted the coronavirus Delta variant. Meanwhile, sore throat, runny nose, fever, upset stomach and headaches are more common among young patients.”

I have already texted parents with children currently in school to be on your guard for these, or any strange symptoms in your child. As you will be aware, children are strictly in bubbles within school, so, if any child is presenting with any symptoms above, we are contacting parents and urging you to book your child for a PCR (lab) test.

A few parents have expressed that they are regularly undertaking the rapid lateral flow tests with the family (LFT test) While this is useful if showing no symptoms - if symptomatic, the PCR test should be undertaken. There may also be problems accessing a PCR test. if this is the case and you have been asked by school to undertake a lab test, please let us know and we can forward you information to take to the test centre to identify that we have sent you for this.

The NHS website identifies this:

Getting a PCR test if you have no symptoms

You can also use this service if:

  • you’ve been in contact with someone who’s tested positive

  • you’ve been asked to get a test by a local council or someone from NHS Test and Trace

  • a GP or other professional has asked you to get a test

  • you’re taking part in a government pilot project

  • you’ve been asked to get a test to confirm a positive result

  • you’ve received an unclear result and were told to get a second test

  • you need to get a test for someone you live with who has symptoms

So please let us know if you have any difficulty in booking a test.

Have Faith….

As I said at the beginning of this blog - I completely understand how frustrated parents must be at being unable to join in with the usual lovely events at the end of a year. Believe me when I say, no-one feels more upset that your child’s class teachers. They are working so, so hard both in school to keep your child’s learning planned and delivered and not to let your child miss out on any of their usual school activities; and also at home, where they are trying to ensure they are isolating, not visiting busy places - sometimes not even seeing their own families, mindful that they HAVE to keep themselves as safe as possible to come into school to teach their class bubble each day. Our teachers love your children very much and they are trying their very best to keep them happy, safe and sheltered from so much that is happening in our community.

At this frightening time, have faith in our teachers: They are doing their very, very best; many times at personal expense! Have faith in each other: We are all doing what we can to stop the spread of this awful virus and of course… as the Gospel told us this weekend, have faith in Christ: No matter how much we worry, falter, and make mistakes; He is always there loving us.

What more can we ask for?

AuthorGuest User

It is difficult to explain just how different school has felt over the last eight weeks, suffice to say that without all children our family has not really been able to thrive. Over these last two weeks we have all begun to feel whole again and start to regain what had been lost! Settling in was (and still is) the theme of all we are doing and remembering the challenges we face in being such a large group again. We are so proud of all the children and the courage they have demonstrated in ‘picking up’ where they left off in January and it’s a great testament to families and to the children themselves, that they have done so well. It definitely does feel like Our Lady’s once again! We recognise that for some children settling in will take a little longer but we are all here to support and nurture children as they find the confidence and courage that they need.

I can imagine that you as parents will have been filled with mixed emotions; the emptiness of the rooms during the day, the missing, for some of you, of teaching at home, the sadness of not having the daily company and fun, yet the relief that family life can return to some normality and delight that children are back with their friends. Hopefully as routines are re-established and the days lengthen and Spring sunshine lifts our spirits, we will all feel that sense of optimism and renewal that is definitely in the air. We just need to give it time.

Once again it has been lovely welcoming children in the morning at the gate and saying goodbye at the end of the day, despite the rain and wind! Thank you so much for following and implementing our school guidance and continuing to look after each other, keeping the whole community safe; this is the biggest ‘thank you’ you can give to us.

Please could we just ask a few things, firstly, is in continuing to wear your masks/face coverings as you come to drop off and pick up your child/children. THIS IS STILL VITALLY IMPORTANT!!! We cannot yet afford to let our guard down against this virus and must ensure we still keep our families and others safe. It worries me terribly to see people having conversations and NOT wearing masks!!! Please do not let your guard down now and put yourself or anyone else in danger!


Secondly please can everyone leave the perimeter of the school swiftly after collecting your own child(ren) to avoid groups gathering. In line with guidance the school day is arranged to minimise contact beyond class bubbles and we so appreciate your continued support with this too. Children share openly with staff and we do worry when hearing that children are mixing in houses outside or travelling in cars with other families outside their class or family bubbles just because we are trying so hard here to implement guidelines which ensure safety for all. We would never want to interfere with your life beyond the school gate but are just anxious that we all do everything that is possible to keep school safe and open for everyone. Professor Chris Whitty was quoted last week as saying: "A lot of people may think this is all over. It is very easy to forget how quickly things can turn bad." As we see it, we’re all in this together, we couldn’t have done what we have without your fantastic support throughout. There does seem to be progress but we’re entering a dangerous phase, lighter days, the yearning we all have for social contact and more openings and gradual loosening of some restrictions. Please let’s be united and continue to do all we can to keep one another safe. As ever, thank you.

If you are taking a COVID test…..

A plea to families as a reminder that if, for any reason you or a family member have to go for a PCR Covid test; or you are awaiting the results of a test - YOU MUST NOT SEND YOUR CHILD INTO SCHOOL! This could put your child and/or others in danger as they could spread the virus to others unwittingly. As I have stated above - now is not the time to let our guard down. If we are to look forward to restrictions easing over the next few months - we MUST ensure we still take every precaution now to ensure that can happen. Again, thank you for your support in this.

There is also now the opportunity for families to access free lateral flow tests which can be administered at home. These tests are for non-symptomatic people - but may give you peace of mind if you have several people in your family bubble who access various places of work, school nursery etc

Home Testing Kits for Adults

If you have a child who goes to nursery, school or college in your household or bubble, get peace of mind by taking a rapid Covid test twice using a simple home test kit which gives results in 30 minutes 

You can collect your test kits from:

Yeadon Way Covid testing site  1pm – 8pm, Monday to Sunday

Also, from Monday 22 March, you can also collect tests from any of the symptom-free testing hub sessions listed on the council website ⇢ www.blackpool.gov.uk/GettingTested

No appointment needed - just give your name and contact details on arrival

If you are unable to get to a testing site, you can order tests online ⇢ https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests

Crossing Patrol

As you may have seen, we now have no crossing patrol on Common Edge Road. Hopefully this will not be permanent, but as I stated in a previous post, due to many retirements it has left a shortage of people able to fill these vital jobs. I really do urge anyone who thinks they may be able to spare the time, to consider applying for a crossing patrol post with Blackpool Council… you really could save a child’s life!


Social Media/Gaming/Apps

Unfortunately we have had the repercussions this week of many ‘mis -uses’ of social media sites which has led to friendship issues and much upset between many groups of children. This has really surprised and upset me as when we undertake our weekly programmes of work around online safety, the children all confidently discuss and explain how we should think of others, show respect and be careful with our words and yet many do not appear to be following these guidelines when in the security of their own homes. The teachers and myself are so disappointed in this as we know how kind and thoughtful all of our children can be.

I am hoping that over the last few weeks of Lent we can all try to take stock of what we are trying to do to shape our lives for the better and follow Christ’s example. As a school, we have also been looking at the example of St Joseph (on this - his Feast Day) and the difficult problems he faced in supporting and strengthening the bonds that unite us as a family.

Let us ask St Joseph to protect our families as he did his own. May he help us to discern God’s hand in the ups and downs of family life… St Joseph. Pray for us!

If you would like to access some good support sites for parents regarding advice on online safety I have identified a couple below.




I wish you every health and happiness during these final few weeks of Lent. May St Joseph help us to strive to be the best we can be and to support us in keeping our families safe during these difficult times.

AuthorGuest User