It has been a delight to be able to welcome all of the children back to Our Lady’s family again this week… although I really don’t believe its been six weeks since we broke up for Summer! Time goes far too fast!!!

I would first like to thank parents and families for your patience in our return these last two days. I appreciate confusion was caused for EVERYONE as we tried to establish our new entrances and routines (not helped that even I forgot some arrangements and was sending parents to the wrong gate - HUGE APOLOGIES for that!) But thank you all for your patience and understanding as we get routines established again and the children are confident in where they come to/line up etc and with which teacher!

I know some parents have expressed their concerns at how busy Thornhill Close is now. I am hoping that as everyone becomes more familiar with their entrance and exit routines (& times) this will alleviate so many parents arriving earlier that they need to and having to wait in one area for a long time. We actually have less pupils arriving at that entrance than we did last year so this issue should rectify itself very soon.

COVID Update

As you know, COVID cases are again on the increase. Unfortunately we must leave arrangements as they are at the moment as all schools must have a contingency plan ready for being able to step back into tighter restrictions if required.

I know I have said this many times over the past year, but thank you… we have got to this point through the actions of every individual and now we need to build on this solid foundation. We all need to learn to live with this virus whilst continuing to keep each other safe. Please if you haven’t read all our updated guidance (available here), please do, as these documents confirm all those little things that we have removed or introduced.

There is a letter which has been produced by Public Health in Blackpool (available here) which presents scenarios and helps to provide answers to the questions you may have. These documents will continue to change as the year progresses and any changes will be communicated with you. Most importantly please always err on the side of caution and if your child develops any of the three symptoms associated with the virus keep them at home and book a PCR test. If we know that your child has been in contact with a positive case within school we will text/phone to recommend you book a PCR test. Both of these actions will help us to minimise the spread of the virus.

It is also worth reminding you that if your child will be absent, due to COVID symptoms - or any other sickness, that you please inform the office by phone (01253 762833) or email ( as soon as possible and not simply report the absence through your child’s class email.

Some sad news…

Members of the parish were informed during the Summer that Fr Jim has been asked to move to another Parish in a couple of weeks time by Bishop Paul, bishop of Lancaster.

We are all devastated at this news as Fr Jim has been a wonderful support to us, not only in his roles as our Parish Priest and Dean of Blackpool, but most especially in his genuine love and care for our school, our staff and our children and families. Fr Jim will not be replaced. Therefore we will not have a Parish Priest at Our Lady of the Assumption from 20th September. We have been informed that Canon Chris Loughran will be overseeing our parish along with the parishes of St Cuthbert’s and St John Vianney, where he will be residing.

On behalf of our whole community we say a huge, huge thank you to Fr Jim. Thank you for your care. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your sharing of your time. Thank you for your science and IT skills. Thank you for your encouragement & most of all, thank you for your love. Our Lady of the Assumption school and parish are forever indebted to you and will never forget you!

School will have a special mass on the Feast of the birthday of Our Lady (8th September) when KS2 classes will celebrate mass with the parish (and KS1 also, through a live link) where we can officially bid farewell to Fr Jim.

We are so sorry to be losing you!

A new Adventure

This morning (and throughout the coming week, our Year 6 children from last year have (and will) all commenced their high school journey. We wish them well and know they will continue to find that inner strength as they meet new challenges and grow into the human beings Christ made them to become.


And so… as we head into our new school year we have so much to be thankful for and, at a time when the world needs a warm embrace, our prayers are never more needed.

We especially ask for all of your prayers for Amy - who should have joined Year 4 this year, but unfortunately has had to undergo further treatment in hospital. All our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. We are all praying for you and wishing you well Amy and we look forward to you joining the Year 4 class when you are strong enough again.

Together, act by act, prayer by prayer, we have the power to slowly bring the Kingdom of God to life…  we have the power to support each other through Christ who strengthens us.

Enjoy a restful weekend

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