I can’t believe how wonderfully the children have settled back to school life! I have felt proud and humbled by the wonderful way they have all entered their new classes, learned new rules and routines, and began their learning again in this new school year.

You are all truly amazing!

The teachers here at Our Lady’s are so committed and have worked incredibly hard to make the new school year a positive transition and get their classes off to the best start possible. To lead others is not always an easy task and can at times prove challenging, however it is a gift to take that responsibility and serve with gentleness, just as Jesus did. Please know that they will love your children and always want the very best for them.

New Responsibilities…

Over the last week our Year 6 children have considered which positions of reponsibility they feel they are able to take on during the coming year. On Monday we heard some wonderfully inspring speeches from those children who wished to take on the role of Head Boy and Girl. They reminded us all of the talents, skills and gifts they had all developed through their time at Our Lady’s and explained how they were now ready to use those skills to represent our school. It was inspiring to watch the children congratulate each other as they each returned to their seats; such a great reflection of the class team they have formed.

On Friday all positions of responsibility were allocated and our Head & Deputy Head Boy & Girl were announced at a beautiful assembly on our school field. This was made even more poignant as Fr Jim came across to then bless the children in front of the whole school, reminding us all of the importance of these new roles and the mission of Christ which the children will carry on though their positions of leadership.

It reminded us that we all walk in the footsteps of Jesus and that that every task we undertake holds great resposibility: in Mother Teresa's words: 'Not all of us can do great things; but we can do small things with great love'.

We can now celebrate the decisions made as the importance of service in school comes to life. We give thanks to God for our children’s roles and the love they show to one another.


This means that we can now officially congratulate our new Head Boy and Head Girl Declan and Isabella, and our new Deputy Head Boy and Girl Jacob and Eliza!

Everyone at Our Lady of the Assumption wishes you and all of your class happiness, strength and courage in your new leadership roles.


A poignant farewell…

It was also a fitting farewell to Fr Jim at our Friday assembly as he gave his blessing on the Y6 children beginning their new roles and then to the whole school.

Fr Jim had come across wearing the new stole which the children had presented to him at the mass on Our Lady’s Birthday. He explained that when he arrived at Our Lady of the Assumption to begin his role as our Parish Priest, the Y6 children were only just finding their way in school (just like him) as they were in Reception Class, and it had been his privilege to watch them grow and mature during the years he had been here.

Well Fr Jim… we all feel just the same!

It has been our privilege to have you here as our Parish Priest. You have given us your time, your love and support and we have been all the better for it. We will miss you very much and we wish you every success and happiness in your new role in Ulverston.

(We hope that the children, staff and parishes there, realise how lucky they are!)

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