It is difficult to explain just how different school has felt over the last eight weeks, suffice to say that without all children our family has not really been able to thrive. Over these last two weeks we have all begun to feel whole again and start to regain what had been lost! Settling in was (and still is) the theme of all we are doing and remembering the challenges we face in being such a large group again. We are so proud of all the children and the courage they have demonstrated in ‘picking up’ where they left off in January and it’s a great testament to families and to the children themselves, that they have done so well. It definitely does feel like Our Lady’s once again! We recognise that for some children settling in will take a little longer but we are all here to support and nurture children as they find the confidence and courage that they need.

I can imagine that you as parents will have been filled with mixed emotions; the emptiness of the rooms during the day, the missing, for some of you, of teaching at home, the sadness of not having the daily company and fun, yet the relief that family life can return to some normality and delight that children are back with their friends. Hopefully as routines are re-established and the days lengthen and Spring sunshine lifts our spirits, we will all feel that sense of optimism and renewal that is definitely in the air. We just need to give it time.

Once again it has been lovely welcoming children in the morning at the gate and saying goodbye at the end of the day, despite the rain and wind! Thank you so much for following and implementing our school guidance and continuing to look after each other, keeping the whole community safe; this is the biggest ‘thank you’ you can give to us.

Please could we just ask a few things, firstly, is in continuing to wear your masks/face coverings as you come to drop off and pick up your child/children. THIS IS STILL VITALLY IMPORTANT!!! We cannot yet afford to let our guard down against this virus and must ensure we still keep our families and others safe. It worries me terribly to see people having conversations and NOT wearing masks!!! Please do not let your guard down now and put yourself or anyone else in danger!


Secondly please can everyone leave the perimeter of the school swiftly after collecting your own child(ren) to avoid groups gathering. In line with guidance the school day is arranged to minimise contact beyond class bubbles and we so appreciate your continued support with this too. Children share openly with staff and we do worry when hearing that children are mixing in houses outside or travelling in cars with other families outside their class or family bubbles just because we are trying so hard here to implement guidelines which ensure safety for all. We would never want to interfere with your life beyond the school gate but are just anxious that we all do everything that is possible to keep school safe and open for everyone. Professor Chris Whitty was quoted last week as saying: "A lot of people may think this is all over. It is very easy to forget how quickly things can turn bad." As we see it, we’re all in this together, we couldn’t have done what we have without your fantastic support throughout. There does seem to be progress but we’re entering a dangerous phase, lighter days, the yearning we all have for social contact and more openings and gradual loosening of some restrictions. Please let’s be united and continue to do all we can to keep one another safe. As ever, thank you.

If you are taking a COVID test…..

A plea to families as a reminder that if, for any reason you or a family member have to go for a PCR Covid test; or you are awaiting the results of a test - YOU MUST NOT SEND YOUR CHILD INTO SCHOOL! This could put your child and/or others in danger as they could spread the virus to others unwittingly. As I have stated above - now is not the time to let our guard down. If we are to look forward to restrictions easing over the next few months - we MUST ensure we still take every precaution now to ensure that can happen. Again, thank you for your support in this.

There is also now the opportunity for families to access free lateral flow tests which can be administered at home. These tests are for non-symptomatic people - but may give you peace of mind if you have several people in your family bubble who access various places of work, school nursery etc

Home Testing Kits for Adults

If you have a child who goes to nursery, school or college in your household or bubble, get peace of mind by taking a rapid Covid test twice using a simple home test kit which gives results in 30 minutes 

You can collect your test kits from:

Yeadon Way Covid testing site  1pm – 8pm, Monday to Sunday

Also, from Monday 22 March, you can also collect tests from any of the symptom-free testing hub sessions listed on the council website ⇢

No appointment needed - just give your name and contact details on arrival

If you are unable to get to a testing site, you can order tests online ⇢

Crossing Patrol

As you may have seen, we now have no crossing patrol on Common Edge Road. Hopefully this will not be permanent, but as I stated in a previous post, due to many retirements it has left a shortage of people able to fill these vital jobs. I really do urge anyone who thinks they may be able to spare the time, to consider applying for a crossing patrol post with Blackpool Council… you really could save a child’s life!


Social Media/Gaming/Apps

Unfortunately we have had the repercussions this week of many ‘mis -uses’ of social media sites which has led to friendship issues and much upset between many groups of children. This has really surprised and upset me as when we undertake our weekly programmes of work around online safety, the children all confidently discuss and explain how we should think of others, show respect and be careful with our words and yet many do not appear to be following these guidelines when in the security of their own homes. The teachers and myself are so disappointed in this as we know how kind and thoughtful all of our children can be.

I am hoping that over the last few weeks of Lent we can all try to take stock of what we are trying to do to shape our lives for the better and follow Christ’s example. As a school, we have also been looking at the example of St Joseph (on this - his Feast Day) and the difficult problems he faced in supporting and strengthening the bonds that unite us as a family.

Let us ask St Joseph to protect our families as he did his own. May he help us to discern God’s hand in the ups and downs of family life… St Joseph. Pray for us!

If you would like to access some good support sites for parents regarding advice on online safety I have identified a couple below.


I wish you every health and happiness during these final few weeks of Lent. May St Joseph help us to strive to be the best we can be and to support us in keeping our families safe during these difficult times.

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