Thank you to Everyone

I have few words to express the frustrations, anxiety, fears etc which the past 15 (or so) months have brought. All I can say is, that I am so proud of the way everyone in Our Lady of the Assumption School have taken every challenge in their stride, remained positive, and worked as hard as they could to keep our little school as safe as they possibly could during this terrible time. I am so immensely thankful and humbled by our children and staff and the amazing way they have dealt with every problem which has come their way. In fact, not only dealt with - but remained upbeat and smiling through every challenge which (more often than not) was thrust upon us at the eleventh hour! Our school has worked together and supported one another other, being humble and always learning together. I am truly blessed to be a part of Our Lady of the Assumption.

Sad news and happy news…

As we come to the close of another school year, Our Lady’s has quite a few changes going forward.

We first have to say some sad goodbye’s to some of our most long serving and much loved staff. Mrs Mahoney, who has worked for over 20 years in our KS1 and Reception Classes has announced her retirement as we break for the Summer holidays!

Also taking a well earned retirement is our wonderful cook, Mrs Judy Fawcett. Judy has been with Our Lady’s for many, many years and will be sadly missed (not least for her barbeque chicken and amazing flapjack!!!)

And (as if that wasn’t enough…) one of our Welfare Staff Mrs J Hemstock will also be retiring this Summer!

We certainly owe a debt of gratitude to these ladies, who have supported, guided, loved (& fed) your children for many, many years. I know you will join me in thanking them SO much for all their care and service towards all of Our Lady’s Community through the years and wish them well for their retirements!


We also celebrate the extremely happy news of the marriages of 4 (yes 4!) of our staff this Summer. Firstly that of Miss Slater who will be getting married at Our Lady of the Assumption this Saturday. She will become Mrs Murphy from September.

We also have the wedding of Mr Whetnall during the Summer Holidays (luckily we have no name change there…)

We then have Miss Dixon’s wedding which again takes place during the Summer break. She will become Mrs Holden from September.

Finally (for this year) we have Mrs Murray from Year 6 who also ties the knot during the Summer! She will then become Mrs Owen!

Our Lady’s family wishes each of them every happiness as they begin this new chapter in their lives. (And we all hope we can remember their new names!!!!)

We also welcome a new staff member at this time… Miss Whitehead!

Miss Whitehead will be joining us as our new Year 4 teacher for September. The children have already met her and she will be working alongside them all to get to know them well over the next 2 weeks. We ask God to bless her and welcome her into the wonderful family of Our Lady of the Assumption!

School Uniform

With the summer holidays fast approaching parents and carers may be looking to purchase school uniform for the new school year. One of our uniform suppliers, 1st Class Kids have sent us details of how you can purchase uniform from them. Please click here for the latest from them.

Our other uniform supplier is The Uniform and Leisurewear Company who are on Clifton Street in the town centre. Their website is:

A reminder of our school uniform requirements, including hairstyles, will be re-issued along with your child’s report. Please, please ensure that you read this carefully and avoid any unnecessary mistakes when your child returns in September. Governors, staff and myself want to ensure that we start this new school year as we mean to go on, so will be ensuring that this is adhered to. We thank you, as always for your support with this.

September Timetable:

We break for the Summer holidays on Friday 16th July at our usual time (1.05pm/1.15pm). There will be After School Club on this afternoon.

From September we will return to a more ‘normal’ school timetable BUT will start the year with our staggered starting and finishing times so that we can still avoid large crowds of parents having to wait together in the playground: We will also remain using both of our school entrances.

Our new starting & ending times will be closer together with the first family groups entering at 8.45am and the second groups entering at 8.55am. Therefore final register and start of school will be as soon as second groups of children enter at 8.55am - so anyone arriving after 9.00am will be recorded as late.

The school day will end at 3.15pm & 3.25pm Monday to Friday.

Timetable including the groups & entrance for your child will come out in a letter with your child’s report.

AuthorGlynis Wilson