This week in RE we have looked at the events of Holy Week, leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ. We have describe what happened and reflected on the meaning of these events for us. Jesus' death and resurrection is such a poignant moment for Christians as it was through His sacrifice that we were all offered eternal life with God. By dying and resurrecting, Jesus opened the gates of the Kingdom of God for all of us! What better time to celebrate such a joyous occasion?! I have attached the Holy Week mass times below for those wishing to follow Jesus on His journey through Holy Week. Please note that not all masses are at Our Lady’s: The Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service will be at St. John Vianney’s.

Thank you, Year 6!

As we come to the end of another term, I must acknowledge and praise the hard work and efforts of my amazing Year 6 class. These past few months they have worked so incredibly hard, showing such resilience and determination, in the preparation for their SATs. Their sheer focus and positive attitude towards their learning is admirable, and I am so proud of every single one of them! We still have a few weeks on our return before they sit the SATs, and I am confident they will all do so well with attitudes like theirs! Just remember not to put too much pressure on yourselves Year 6-all you can do is try your very hardest! What more can I ask for?!

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths, aside from continuing with reasoning questions in our rotation, we have continued to focus on pie chard. We have look at percentages in relation to pie charts and used protractors to draw our own pie charts to represent data.

In English we have started to plan for our persuasive letter to Miss Haggerty. We believe that after all of our hard work, we have earned a party on the Friday at the end of SATs week-we just need to persuade Miss Haggerty to get on board with this too. Fingers crossed our letters work! In GPS we have focused on expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.

In HRSE we used the ‘STOP’ approach to think of strategies to use before we act, when we feeling particularly frustrated/angry/upset. It was so lovely to hear the class sharing their personal strategies that they use to prevent a situation from escalating. Some like to listen to music, some take time out, some like to speak to a trusted adult and others spoke about using creative approaches such as art to help them clam and soothe.

In PE we had our final archery lesson of the term. The class really enjoyed combining Maths with archery this week, as they have to solve calculations and then aim for that number on their target board. We also had our last tag rugby lesson, where a few of the other groups had the chance to deliver their lessons to the other half of the class.


The Golden Award went to Molly for her amazing growth mindset this week-she has shown such resilience in the face of a challenge.

The Maths Award was given to Mia for her superb efforts with her maths papers this week.

The Writing Award was given to Sam for the detailed writing in his RE work.

The winner of the World Book Day bookmark competition was Laciee -well done!

Other Notices:

  • We return to school on Tuesday 19th April (this is also the first day of our after school SATs Booster Lessons).

  • PE days after half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

  • I have not set any homework for half term, however, if anyone fancies a little more SATs practice (who wouldn’t?!) there are some resources below:

    Arithmetic/Reasoning Practice

    GPS mini tests

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Blackpool Council hold a variety of events for families. Below I have attached a leaflet with descriptions of the activities they hold and a timetable of where and when events are taking place:

    Activity Descriptions-Blackpool Better Start

    Event timetable

I hope you all have a happy and holy Easter-Year 6 have definitely earned themselves a break after all of their hard work this half term! I can hardly believe we will be entering the Summer term on our return; Year 6’s last term in primary school! And of course, for me, I will just have the half term on our return left with the class, before my maternity leave! I will be sure to cherish every day of the next half term with my wonderful class!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater