The title quote above was from a parable that Jesus told to his disciples. His message to his disciples was that when we do good deeds for others, and show love, we are showing love to Him. This week we raised money to help feed hungry children in poorer parts of the world, through our sponsored walk…Year 6, by doing this you have also shown love and helped Jesus! This week we undertook our sponsored ‘Walk Against Hunger’ walk. We had beautiful weather for it and I was so incredibly proud of how the class conducted themselves. We managed to raise so much money, as a class, for CAFOD and Brian House…thank you so much for all of your generous donations. Here are some pictures of us on our walk….

Here is what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we started to look at pie charts, at the beginning of the week. We have also completed the 2017 Arithmetic and Reasoning SATs papers in class. When all the papers have been marked, the children will get there overall maths score back and they will be able to see where their gaps are.

In English have been looking at different word class: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We also looked at words that could be a noun or a verb, and how to use them in two different sentences. For example, words like walk, point or jump.

In Geography we have been looking back at what we have learnt about the UK so far. We completed a little geography quiz and then re-visited our concept maps to add on any new learning.

In PE a couple of groups had the chance to deliver the rugby lesson that they had planned a few weeks earlier. The class were split in half and one group delivered to one half of the class and the other group to the other half. Erin and I were VERY impressed with both the ‘teachers’ and the ‘students’. They had planned such great lessons and their peers really enjoyed playing their games. Next week, the other groups will have chance to deliver their lessons.

In HRSE we watched the next episode of ‘Paradise Street’ which was all about Emotional Changes. We talked about how as we grow up we can start to feel new emotions as well as heightened emotions. We talked about times we have felt really angry or frustrated about something and perhaps we have reacted in a way that we have regretted after. In our next lesson, we will be looking at strategies to use when we feel this way, using the ‘STOP’ approach before we act.

In Science we made periscopes! Last week we were looking at the science behind periscopes, and how light is reflected, so this week we had chance to put that science into action!


This week’s Golden Award went to Cianna for her incredibly hard work, especially with preparation for SATs.

The Maths Award was given to ALL of Year 6-you have all worked so hard on your maths tests this week-well done!

The Writing Award was given to Kayden for the effort he has put into his written work this term.

Congratulations to the winners of the World Book Day quiz, last week: Laciee, Onalee, Cianna & Sienna. They all received a little winning treat today!

Other Notices:

  • PE days are on Tuesdays and WEDNESDAYS.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Nail varnish and/or false nails must NOT be worn to school-I had to speak to few members of the class about this, this week.

  • Please ensure water bottles are brought in daily. I have had many children who have not been bringing them into school, and we do not have class spares. If they have lost their water bottle, you can buy a new one through the office.

  • I will update the Home Learning Page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.

  • We break up for Easter on Friday 8th April at 2pm and return to school on Tuesday 19th April.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater