Welcome back to Summer term! I hope you had a wonderful Easter…He is Risen!! We have a very busy half term ahead of us, and I just know, from these first few days back, that Year 6 are ready to rise to any challenges they may face. They have come back to school fully focused and ready to work hard…I am very pleased! We also started our SATs booster lessons this week ; I hope they have found them useful! I have been very impressed with how much we are managing to get through in these extra lessons.

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we have been focusing on ratio. We have looked at the language of ratio, linking fractions with ratio and using the ratio symbol. The class seem to have picked this up very quickly!

In English we have been revising lots of areas in GPS, including: determiners, prepositions, word classes and apostrophes. In our writing lesson we have been identifying features of a formal letter to help us create a toolkit for when we write our persuasive letter to Miss Haggerty next week.

In RE we have shown an understanding that Jesus truly was Human and is God. Using scripture references, we identified times in the bible when Jesus showed that he was human, like everyone else, and times when he showed that he was also God. In pairs, we have created posters on this, on the laptops.

In Spanish we have been building on our knowledge of days and months to write sentences about our own and other people’s birthdays.

In PE we started two new sports. On Tuesday we had our first lesson on Orienteering and on Friday we had our first cricket lesson.


This week’s Golden Award went to Laciee for being a hard-working and considerate member of our class.

The Maths award was given to Elliot for being a great problem solver, and being able to explain the methods he has used.

Well done to CLIFTON who won the house points from last half term. They received their reward today!


  • SATS week is From Monday 9th May-Friday 13th May. Please do not take your child out of school this week.

  • An email was sent to all parents this week to inform you of a Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held on Friday 13th May @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall.

  • Don’t forget it’s International Dance Day next Friday 29th April! On this day we invite the children to dress up to represent their favourite dance style or dance icon and bring in a £1 donation.

  • PE days this half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

  • I will leave these SATs resources up, just in case anyone would like to access them from home:

    Arithmetic/Reasoning Practice

    GPS mini tests

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

Have a lovely weekend…let’s hope we get more of this sun!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater