Keep up the hard work!

I have to begin by expressing how happy I am with the hard work and efforts Year 6 have put into their work this week. It has been an intense week as they have completed a full week of Mock SATs, including two in the PE Hall. The class have in no way let this phase them, and they have continued to give their all. I honestly could not have asked for them to try any harder-I am so proud of how every single on of them have worked this week and I can see progress being made by each and every one of them! As SATs week nears, I want the class (and parents) to know that you are all amazing and all you can do on the day is your very best (which I know you all will!). Please do not put too much pressure on yourselves these next couple of weeks. We will use next week to go over our Mock papers and you will all have the chance to tell me any concepts/areas you would like to go over again. Regardless of the outcome of these tests, I can confidently say that every single child in my class has made me incredibly proud and I honestly could not have asked for any more from them! Thank you.

Here is what else we have been up to this week….

In Maths we have continued to look at ratio and in our SATs rotation lessons we have continued to focus on reasoning questions. We have also revised roman numerals!

In English we have written up our persuasive letters to Miss Haggerty, asking her to consider allowing us to have a celebration on the Friday (13th) of SATs week. I have given Miss Haggerty these letters and we are now eagerly awaiting her response! If our letters work and she does say yes, we will be doing a Jacob’s Join style buffet. Next week, each child will come home with a letter about this, which will outline the item we would like them to contribute to the buffet.

In HRSE we had the chance to share some strategies we use to help us when we are feeling particularly angry or frustrated. Together, as a class, we filled the whiteboard with so many different strategies and had the chance to write down any we might want to trial out, to see if it works for us.

In PE we have continued with orienteering and cricket. We are really enjoying these lessons, particularly as we have not done either oft these sports before. The orienteering lessons will definitely prove to be helpful when we go to Water Park!

In Science we started our new topic: Electricity. We completed our concept map, linking any vocabulary that we already know. We then had an introductory lesson on this topic.

International Dance Day! This was a huge success! Thank you so much for all the effort that was put into the costumes for this day! We took part in a Zumba lesson and did some country dancing on the field. We also had the chance to watch other children from the school showcase their dancing talents. Here are some pictures from the day…


The Golden Award went to Grace for her positive attitude towards her learning.

The Maths Award went to Kourtney for her hard work and progress!

The Writing Award was given to Elliot for his formal choices of language.

This week we also had 2 Bedrock Champion winners: Lila & Eliza! They each received a £10 Amazon voucher for their consistent scores and usage/ Congratulations girls!!


  • SATS week is From Monday 9th May-Friday 13th May. Please do not take your child out of school this week.

  • Water Park Parent/Child Meeting-this will be held on Friday 13th May @ 3.30pm, in the PE hall.

  • This week we welcomes another teacher to our class: Miss Mills. Miss Mills will be with us on an 8 week placement. She has been very impressed with how the class have worked this week, and I know she will be even more impressed when she teaches them for herself!

  • PE days this half term are on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.

  • I will leave these SATs resources up, just in case anyone would like to access them from home:

    Arithmetic/Reasoning Practice

    GPS mini tests

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Please take a look at the attached letter about the achievements of the Shakespeare Programme within school and the award we have received! Many congratulations to all those involved. Award Letter

    I hope you all have a lovely (long) weekend!

    Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater