Thank you!

This week the Year 3’s have been selling their ‘Bits and Bobs’ in an effort to raise money for an extremely worth cause: the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal. They have put so much time and effort into making things to sell to the rest of the school and have raised an inspiring £655(!!!)-well done Year 3!! I must also thank all of the children (and parents!) from this class as they have contributed towards this cause through their generous donations, and regular visits to the shop this week. On top of that, we have our sponsored walk coming up in a couple of weeks to raise money for CAFOD and the class have also asked if they can sell something on World Book Day to go towards the Ukrainian appeal too-we are in talks with Miss Haggerty about this. It is just so heart-warming to see the children from this school standing up for such a worthy causes-they all certainly embrace our mission statement ‘In All Things Charity.’

Here is what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we have continued with our reasoning questions in our SATs rotation and looked at finding the mean average in our whole-class lesson. This week the class also had another go at an Arithmetic paper to see their strengths and areas for development.

In English we continued to look at comprehension and GPS questions in our SATs rotation and in class we started a non-fiction unit on persuasive writing. This week we explored vocabulary linked with persuasive texts and identified key features of this text type.

In RE this week our focus has been on Holy Communion and the end of Mass. We reflected on the significance of Holy Communion and how it is through Holy Communion that we receive Jesus. We then reflected on the mission we are given at the end of mass to ‘Go in Peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.’ We looked at the ways we can do this and how we can fulfil the New Covenant by putting into practice the New Commandment.

In Geography (and computing) we have been putting our computing skills to the test by making PowerPoints all about the UK. We have used all of our knowledge from what we have covered so far on this topic, as well as doing some additional research, to create presentations. This week some of us had the chance to present our finished presentations to the class.

In PE we continued with our Archery and Tag Rugby. In Archery we played some individual and team games, aiming to get as many points on the target as possible. In tag rugby our focus skill was on tackling. We look at how to tackle safely and had small group games to implement this new skill.

In Art we continued with our Van Gogh inspired pieces of art. The whole class had the opportunity to start a fresh with this piece of art last week, and we finished them today. They look great!

In HRSE we responded to questions from the ‘Paradise Street’ episode on Body Image and Pressure. The class opened up about times they have felt pressured in any way, whether this be to look or act a certain way. We then went on to talk about one way to deal with and/or resist these pressures is to be thankful for the things we are blessed with in life.

In Science

World Book Day 2022-Friday 25th March (NEXT FRIDAY!)

World Book Day is next Friday, 25th March! On that day we ask that the children come to school dressed as their favourite BOOK character. They can even bring the book with them to share in class. (Please ensure that any books brought into school are named). Do not feel you have to spend a lot of money on costumes - the homemade ones are always our favourites!

Year 6’s Sponsored ‘Walk Against Hunger’

Last week the class were sent home with their sponsorship form for our sponsored walk for the CAFOD campaign ‘Walk Against Hunger’. I have also attached a copy of the form below, should you need to print another off at home. We are going to be walking all the way to the beach and back on Thursday 31st March. Please sponsor us! Any money collected for this sponsored walk can by paid online through ‘Parent Pay’-this will ensure all funds for this campaign are collected together, in one place, across the whole school.

Sponsorship Form-Year 6

Other Notices:

  • PE days are on Tuesdays and WEDNESDAYS.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Nail varnish and/or false nails must NOT be worn to school-I had to speak to few members of the class about this, this week.

  • Please ensure water bottles are brought in daily. I have had many children who have not been bringing them into school, and we do not have class spares. If they have lost their water bottle, you can buy a new one through the office.

  • I will update the Home Learning Page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater