This week in RE we have been reflecting on The Consecration and its meaning for us as Catholics. We discussed how it is during this important part of the Mass that the bread and wine are miraculously changed into the body and blood of Christ-it is the real and true presence of Christ in the Eucharist! We studied the words that the priest says as he holds up the body and blood of Christ, which reminded us of the words Jesus said to his disciples at the Last Supper. Every week when we receive Holy Communion we are remembering and participating in the Last Supper ourselves!

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

This week we started our SATs rotation. This was incredibly successful as the children had the opportunity to spend 1 hour sessions rotating between a Maths, Reading and GPS group. Within their groups, they looked at past SATs questions and had discussions about how to answer these questions. Myself, Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Owen were very impressed with the classes’ engagement in these sessions and we truly believe they will all benefit from them, in preparation for their SATs in May. The SATs rotations will take place every Tuesday and Thursday morning, until we break up for Easter.

In Computing we looked at the use of random numbers in Python. We decomposed some coding in Python that was written to create a piece of art work that emulated the style of Piet Mondrian. This used random placement of colours and rectangles. The class them had a go at remixing this coding to change components such as colour, shapes, sizes and speed.

In PE this week we had our first lesson on tag rugby with the BFC coach, Erin. Erin wanted to assess the classes’ basic skills through some passing and catching games and tag. Over the next few weeks we will be developing their tag rugby skills, looking at the rules and eventually playing tournaments. The class really enjoy, what was for some, their first taster of rugby.

In Spanish we have been learning the months of the year. After matching the Spanish months with the English translation, we completed some puzzles to consolidate our learning.

In Art we picked a scene from The Wizard of Oz and did a sketch, in the style of Van Gogh. Next week, we will be using oil pastels or paint to add colour to our art work, emulating the brush strokes and unique style of Van Gogh.


  • This week’s Golden Award went to Jacob for showing kindness and consideration to others in the class.

  • The Maths Award went to Nevaeh for her great reasoning skills this week!

  • The Writing Award went to Onalee for the huge improvement with her handwriting these past few days!

  • Before half term, we had an ‘Internet Safety’ poster competition, and the winner was Hallie - congratulations!

  • Well done to the three children from the class, whose art work was selected as part of the Young Seasiders this year; we presented Kourtney & Lila with their certificates and Adam will receive his next week.

  • A huge congratulations to Kourtney as well, who was presented with her Bronze medal in drumming today and Sam, who was awarded with his Silver medal in flute.

World Book Day 2022-Friday 25th March

Due to other commitments on the official World Book Day date (March 3rd), World Book Day will be celebrated in school on **FRIDAY 25th MARCH**. On that day we ask that the children come to school dressed as their favourite BOOK character. They can even bring the book with them to share in class. (Please ensure that any books brought into school are named). Do not feel you have to spend a lot of money on costumes - the homemade ones are always our favourites!

Year 6 SATs 2022

Please note the Year 6 SATs will take place from Monday 9th May-Thursday 11th May. Timetable is below:

Blackpool Netball Club

Mrs Holden has asked us to share details about a Netball club offered to all primary children. Here is the flyer with more information:

‘Much Ado About Nothing’-Grand Theatre, Tuesday 15th March

We would love it if you could support our amazing Year 5 children, who will be performing on stage (along with other Blackpool Schools) in the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, at the Grand Theatre. I have attached a link below, which will take you to the booking system so you can get your tickets. Please note that Our Lady’s are only performing in the Tuesday performance and not on the Thursday.

Much Ado About Nothing’ Booking Link

As Our Lady’s are the RSC lead associate school, this week Eliza and Isabella took at trip to the Grand Theatre, as our school representatives, to present flowers to the CEO of the Grand Theatre on behalf of the Royal Shakespeare Company. As you can see they were also mingling with the stars….

Other Notices:

  • PE days are on Tuesdays and WEDNESDAYS.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery. Some girls in the class have been wearing ‘hoop’ earrings-these are not appropriate for school.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Nail varnish and/or false nails must NOT be worn to school-I had to speak to few members of the class about this, this week.

  • Spelling expectations have changed this week. Please check the Homework Page for more detail.

  • I will update the Home Learning Page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater