Here is this week’s home learning…
Home Learning Timetable 11/01/21
Maths Resources (I have included White Rose mark scheme so you can check your answers)
Geography Audio Lesson Geography Resources
English Resources
This week we are starting a new English unit on ‘Older Literature’. Each lesson in accompanied by an audio video of me talking you through the lesson expectations-it took a while getting used to listening to myself back so often! I hope you find this helpful. Please feel free to work your way through the Talk 4 Writing booklet, from last week, as an extra resource; however, this will no longer be our main English focus.
Romeo & Juliet lesson 1 resources
I have just noticed the first and second link to the video clips, for lesson 1, do not work. Here they are:
This is the first link:
And this is the second link:
Romeo & Juliet lesson 2 resources Lesson 2 Texts
Romeo & Juliet lesson 3 resources
I have some very exciting news….you can now take quizzes from home! From now on, and until we return to school, you can take a quiz on any of the books you are completing from home, if they are on the Accelerated Reader system. You need to follow the link below, and type in the username and password you use in school:
Although I have not set reading as a separate task, on the timetable, please make sure you continue with your regular reading. Free Ebooks can be accessed at Enter the username and password (I will text this to all parents on Monday). Here you will also have access to Oxford Owl spelling activities. Here is the parents guide to Oxford Owl spelling.
Music Logins
Miss Benson has also set you all up with individual logins for Charanga, a resource that she uses often in your lessons. I will email individual logins to each parent, via email. Miss Benson has said she will be setting tasks on this, and I will put this task on the weekly timetable each time she does.
TenTen Daily Worship PowerPoint- This is the shared worship presentation we will be using daily in class, so it would be lovely to follow from home, as part of your daily worship.
Please remember to email ( any of the ‘paper’ work to me for evidence and feedback purposes. As mentioned in the previous post, I am happy for you to email me work whenever suits you best, whether this be daily, every other day or at the end of the week. However, please can I ask you have all work emailed to me by 1.30pm on a Friday if possible. Please do not worry if you email me anything after this, it might just be the case that I will not manage to respond until after the weekend. It is important that each child is completing at least 4 hours of learning per day.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Miss Slater x