Here is the timetable and all resources needed, for those who are isolating this week.

Home Learning Timetable

English Resources (Including Spellings)

Maths Resources

Other Resources

TenTen Daily Worship PowerPoint- This is the shared worship presentation we will be using daily, in class. It is centered around the feast of the Epiphany, so would be lovely to follow from home, as part of your daily worship.

If your child needs paper copies of any of the resources, please email me to let me know, and we will print them off for you. Please do not feel you have to print EVERYTHING off-some tasks you can do by having the resource on screen and writing ideas/answers on paper.

Please email me any pictures or scanned copies of your child’s work to It is important that we have evidence of the work completed at home, and so I can give feedback when necessary. They should be completing a minimum of 3 hours of learning each day. Thank you.

Please note: I will be in class all day on Monday and Tuesdays, and will therefore have less time free to check my emails on these days. Feel free to email me your child’s work whenever they have completed it, whether this be on a daily basis, or every couple of days, and I will do my best to respond and give feedback as soon as possible. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays will be the days when I will be able to respond more promptly and will catch up on previous emails, if need be. Thank you.

AuthorCatherine Slater