Here is the timetable and resources for this week’s home learning…
Maths Resources (White Rose mark schemes included for self-marking)
Computing (Online Safety) Audio Lesson
This week’s lessons on Romeo & Juliet are all centered around the ‘Balcony’ scene, Act II, Scene II. You will be writing a Diary entry from either Romeo or Juliet’s point of view, recounting the events of that evening.
Romeo & Juliet lesson 4:
Play Script text Tales from Shakespeare text
Romeo & Juliet lesson 5:
Romeo & Juliet lesson 6:
Other links:
Accelerated Reader (quizzes)-
Oxford Owl (Ebooks and Spelling) t
YUMU (Music lesson)
TenTen Daily Worship prayers for home - As a family you may want to use these prayers as part of your daily worship.
The timetable reflects roughly 4 hours of learning per day, in line with the DfE requirements. It is also a requirement for teachers to receive evidence of the work the children are completing at home, and for feedback purposes as well. I do not mind when the work is sent, whether it be daily, every other day or weekly, but I must have some communication with parents at least once a week. Please email work to me by 1.30pm on a Friday, if possible, so that I am able to feedback to the children before the end of the school day. Thank you your support with this. Click here to read this week’s news blog and look at some pictures of the work from last week.