Our learning this week…
English - This week we explored the dilemma and the possible consequences that Billy from Bling! is facing and the children have planned the decision he will make. This will then be the focus of their diary writing they will do next week.
Maths - This week we’ve focused on decimal numbers up to two decimal places and have been converting these to fractions.
RE - This week we’ve been discussing the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation – a gift that Jesus has given to us which helps to deepen our relationship with him. We recalled going to our own first confession and what happened.
Science - This week the children have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators. The children set up an investigation to find out which materials made the best thermal insulator which could be used as a lining to a new lunch box.
History - The focus of this lesson was Maya religious beliefs. They explored how the Maya worshipped and some of the rituals they practiced and have looked at some of the main gods and what they represented to the people.
Computing - The children had fun coding their own animations on the micro-bit and have been able to download their code to the device.
PSHE - The children have identified emotions and have discussed how these can link to the way we behave (sometimes negatively and sometimes positively). We’ve explored positive coping strategies and the children have begun to create their own coping plan to support them through the emotions.
Bedrock Competition
Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.
Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard:
1 Eliza 98 points
2 Hallie 93 points
3 Declan 92 points
4 Laciee 83 points
5 Theo 78 points
Well done and keep it up!
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Olivia
Writing Award - Declan
Maths Award - Elliot
Year 5 Star Winner -
Resilient moves
Thank you for sharing your resilient moves this week…
Please continue to send in photos of yourselves making resilient moves to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk so we can see what you’ve been up to.
Monday is a Bank Holiday so school will be closed. We will reopen Tuesday 4th May.
Year 5 finish school at 3.10pm Monday - Thursday and at 1.05pm on a Friday
Reading books and diaries must be brought into school daily. Diaries get checked everyday so that we can reward the children for their reading. I would expect Year 5 to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes.
Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Hope you all have a great weekend. Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Parents will be informed if this is not complete.
PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. No earrings please.
Music tuition is on a Thursday, so please ensure your instrument is in school ready to have your lesson with Miss Benson.
As the weather starts to get warmer, please ensure your child brings in their water bottle each day with fresh water. I would also advise that coats still come into school each day as the weather can be unpredictable and we will all still go outside even on those cold/rainy days.
Well done Year 5 and we hope you all have a lovely long weekend.
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly