We’ve had another busy week this week and I’m pleased and proud of how hard the children continue to work. They’ve shown resilience in the things they have found difficult and have overcome some difficult challenges which have left them feeling proud of themselves. Well done Year 5!
Our learning this week…
English - We’ve explored how the main character of Bling! has changed over the course of the story this week and have looked at how language in writing can be altered to show status. The children have also been working on creating vivid images that use description and comparison.
Maths - This week we’ve looked at how multiplying fractions and finding fractions of amounts give us the same answer and we have been solving problems involving fractions.
RE -This week the children have been discussing what sin is and how we can show that we are truly sorry for the wrong we do.
Science - Our new topic is all about properties and changes of materials. This week the children have identified the properties of different materials. They have explored the meaning of different properties and have sorted and classified materials based on their properties through testing whether they are: magnetic, transparent, flexible, permeable or hard.
History - This week the children started our unit on the Ancient Maya Civilisation. They placed events of the Maya on a timeline showing their understanding of chronological order through BC and AD and have used atlases to label the area on a map to show where in Central America the Maya used to live
Spanish - This week the children have continued to develop their speaking and listening of words and phrases that can be used when ordering food and drink in a cafe.
PE - This week the children took part in relays as part of a team, which developed their understanding of basic orienteering symbols using a map key. They worked really hard and all teams successfully completed the challenge.
Bedrock Competition
Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.
Here is our TOP 5 scoreboard so far:
1 Isabelle 66points
2 Hallie 62 points
3 Eliza 57 points
4 Laciee 51 points
5 Declan 49 points
Well done and keep it up!
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Nathaniel
Writing Award - Theo
Maths Award - Isabelle
Year 5 Star Winner - Cianna
Congratulations also goes to Eliza who has achieved her Bronze music medal for the clarinet. Well done Eliza!
Year 5 finish school at 3.10pm Monday - Thursday and at 1.05pm on a Friday
Reading books and diaries must be brought into school daily. Diaries get checked everyday so that we can reward the children for their reading. I would expect Year 5 to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes.
Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Hope you all have a great weekend. Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Parents will be informed if this is not complete.
PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. No earrings please.
Music tuition is on a Thursday, so please ensure your instrument is in school ready to have your lesson with Miss Benson.
As the weather starts to get warmer, please ensure your child brings in their water bottle each day. I would also advise that coats still come into school each day as the weather can be unpredictable and we will all still go outside even on those cold/rainy days.
Another great week Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly