Our learning this week…
English - This week the children have been developing their sentences and description to prepare for their diary writing.
Maths - We’ve been rounding decimal numbers to the nearest tenth and to the nearest whole number. We’ve also been using place value to compare and order decimal numbers and have started looking at percentages.
RE - From our work on the Sacrament of Reconciliation last week, the children have been writing their own guide to this very important Sacrament aimed at children in Year 3 and 4.
History - This week the children learnt that the Ancient Maya civilisation had developed a complex number system and they have been learning how to write and identify the numbers.
Computing - This week the children were presented with code for a micro-bit and they had to predict what the program did - I was very impressed with how well some children did this. The program was a polling program to record the number of different responses to a question. The children then built the code, downloaded it to the micro-bit and then had fun testing it out on each other.
Spanish - In our lesson this week the children role played at being waiter and customer in our Café Olé and showed off their language skills in Spanish. ¡Bravo Y5!
PSHE - This week the children discussed what helps make them happy and then they made their own Feel Good Check List that the children can use to help them become more resilient and bounce forward from tough times.
Bedrock Competition
Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.
Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:
1 Hallie 133 points
2 Eliza 125 points
3 Declan 121 points
4 Laciee 119 points
5 Theo 101 points
Well done and keep it up!
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Isabella
Writing Award - Hallie
Maths Award - Grace
Year 5 Star Winner -
Congratulations also goes to Grace and Lila who achieved their Silver music medals for the clarinet. Well done girls!
Please read this important letter from Miss Haggerty…
Year 5 finish school at 3.10pm Monday - Thursday and at 1.05pm on a Friday
Reading books and diaries must be brought into school daily. Diaries get checked everyday so that we can reward the children for their reading. I would expect Year 5 to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes.
Homework will need to be completed before Thursday, when I will check your results. Please see the homework page for this week’s homework. Parents will be informed if this is not complete.
PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. No earrings please.
Coming up…
Virtual Pop Idol - Miss Benson sent home letters to those children interested in taking part in the Virtual Pop Idol competition. Please read the letter carefully and send entries by 14th May at 2pm to the email address on the letter. Good luck Year 5!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend Year 5!
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly