All of Year 4 hope you all had a very happy and restful Christmas time!

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 have continued preparing to write their information reports about polar bears and their habitats. In preparation for this, we have spent time exploring similar information reports and analysing what makes them a good example to help us with our writing.

Maths: Year 4 have been revising our estimating skills using numbers up to 10,000.

RE and Liturgy: Year 4 have been exploring the story of the three wise men bringing their gifts to Jesus. Year 4 spent time comparing the three kings to Jesus’ other visitors, the shepherds, and discussed how we felt God wanted to represent all walks of life, rich and poor, by Jesus’ side.

The three wise men went searching on a long journey, trusting that they would find the new king after many days. Like this, Christians also search for many virtues and answers in their pursuit to find God, trusting that one day they will reach God and understand what they need to do to embrace him in their hearts.

To share the Wednesday Word together each week, please follow this link:

Science: Year 4 have started to explore their new Science topic, Sound, this week. We spent time investigating how sound is made by making as much noise as we could! Then we explored how the vibrations that we produce are what cause sound to be made.

We then thought about the fact that the vibrations that are produced need air to be able to travel as sound waves before reaching the ear to be heard.

PE: Year 4 have started their new Gymnastics topic this week. We spent time discussing the importance of balance and posture to be a successful gymnast and to practise this, we spent time working on our counterbalancing skill in pairs.

PSHE: Year 4 have continued examining their relationships this week, including the different groups of people in their lives. The class then thought about the choices they could make to make these people in their lives happy.

Computing: Year 4 started their new Computing topic of investigating weather this week. We used the computers to go online and investigate the different time zones, temperatures and weather in different locations across the world before comparing them to our local weather in Blackpool.

Art: Year 4 explored the story of Jeffrey the Maggot together in class and his journey through the inside of a pumpkin; from the pumpkin being harvested, all the way to being used on Halloween to hold sweeties and candles.

The children discussed what they thought each stage of Jeffrey’s journey would look like before using different forms of media to sketch and shade their interpretation of the journey through the pumpkin.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.

Times tables booster club will start on Friday 13th January after school for those who received a letter and have returned the attached slip.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - James

Maths Award - Emilia

Writing Award - Olivia

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead