As our Autumn term draws to a close and Christmas comes ever closer, the children at Our Lady’s have been trying to take this time to stop and reflect during Advent.
The children in Year 4 have spent this week’s preparation exploring one of the most important figures involved in the birth of Jesus, a figure that is sometimes overlooked by others. In our RE and Liturgy work we have been investigating the significance of St. Joseph and the role he played in the birth of Christ. We explored the dream that Joseph had in which the Angel Gabriel shared the message of God with him. We then discussed Joseph’s choice from this to trust in God and look after Jesus as his earthly father.
Year 4 then spent time thinking about other stories across the Bible in which somebody trusted in God in whatever they were doing and followed God’s path whole heartedly because of this fact.
Our RE and Liturgy work this week has also been a reminder of the importance of family and loved ones over the Christmas period. Having those special people in your lives during this time of year is one of the factors that makes Christmas so magical.
Homework over the Christmas Holidays:
Homework will not be set in Homework Books over the Christmas holidays however please ensure that Year 4 pupils are still:
Reading either school reading books or home story books regularly.
Times tables practise is done either using TT Rockstars or The Daily Ten at: .
Our KS2 Carol Service will be on Monday 19th December at 2:00pm at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church.
Our Christmas themed own clothes day will be on Tuesday 20th December.
Our whole school celebration assembly for this week will be on Tuesday 20th December as we say goodbye to our Autumn term together.
A big Happy Christmas from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!