Year 4 have been continuing to work hard, this week, to be kind, caring and compassionate members of society. As a class, we have spent time thinking about how it is our duty to make the right choice and to be the best we can be, even if we find it challenging.
As a class at Our Lady’s, we always want to make sure we are following our school values of care, learn and respect.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: Year 4 have spent this week making final preparations and planning for their information texts all about polar bears and their habitats. As part of this, we have spent time revising how to use apostrophes for possession and add more information into our sentences using fronted adverbials. Finally, Year 4 were ready to write out their non-fiction information texts independently.
Maths: Year 4 have been exploring how to solve word problems using addition and subtraction.
RE and Liturgy: Year 4 have spent their RE time this week exploring who Jesus was as a person, his religion and the qualities that have made him the person he is. It is often difficult to understand why Jesus was given such an ordinary life, born into a hard working Jewish family that were not considered important during their time on earth. However, God wanted the human part of himself that he gave to the earth to represent and connect with the everyday people of the earth, understanding their problems. Through understanding and having access to our everyday lives, he was able to perform the amazing miracles with the people that really needed them the most.
To share the Wednesday Word together each week, please follow this link:
Science: Year 4 explored in more detail how sound travels from its source all the way through the air particles as invisible sound waves, through the ear canal and ear drum before it is turned into electrical signals and reaches our brain.
PE: Year 4 have been thinking about and discussing the different types of balances used in gymnastics this week and how they can use individual balances, mirror balances and solo balances in their PE.
Computing: Year 4 have continued with their topic all about investigating the weather by exploring the different types of extreme weather experienced on the earth such as thunder and lightning, tornados, tsunamis, flooding and scorching heat. Year 4 then started thinking about and planning their ideas to create a mechanism or machine that could help warn against and prevent extreme types of weather and are ready to begin their designing process next week.
Art: Year 4 continued with their ‘Jeffrey the Maggot’ inspired drawings, thinking about their sketching and shading skills.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.
Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Olivia S
Maths Award - Zahra
Writing Award - Elsie
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!