This weeks Gospel tells us of Jesus’ teaching to us that we should be patient, that whatever our troubles, we can be rewarded when we get to heaven.
Year 4 have spent this week discussing friendship and what we look for in a good friend.
Year 4 have agreed that there are lots of things that add up altogether that make us a good friend. However, that we have to think about all of these different qualities, can be quite challenging.
We agreed that to be a good friend you have to be kind, caring and respectful. Year 4 also thought about the importance of being a trustworthy friend, a friend that stands up for what is right but is also not afraid to disagree with what is wrong, even if that person is their friend. The class also thought about our differences and how it is ok to be friends with someone that is different from us.
Overall, Year 4 are in agreement with the qualities they have selected that make a good friend and noticed that these qualities link well with our school values of care, learn and respect.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: Year 4 have started immersing themselves in a new book called ‘The Whale’ in preparation for their final piece of writing; a newspaper report.
Year 4 debated the newspaper headline from the story;‘Giant Whale or Giant Hoax’ , about a great spotted whale sighted 50 years ago. Year 4 had to decide if they believed the whale was real or if it was all a giant hoax invented and turned into legend over the 50 years. Year 4 concentrated on forming an argument based on their opinion and ensuring they backed it up with evidence.
Maths: Year 4 have been looking at units of measurement this week; metres and kilometres. We started the week by converting metres into kilometres and vice versa.
Year 4 then moved on to investigating the perimeter of squares and rectangles.
RE and Liturgy: This week, Year 4 explored the Jewish prayer ‘Shema’ and its importance in the Jewish faith.
To share the Wednesday Word together each week, please follow this link:
Science: Year 4 have been exploring different musical instruments this week and investigating how they can make the sounds from the instruments louder, quieter, higher and lower. We discovered that the volume of a sound depends on the force and the pace used to create vibrations. Year 4 also learnt that the pitch of an object depends on the space vibrations have to travel through.
PE: Year 4 have consolidated the different balances, rolls and now jumps they have been learning about within their gymnastics topic this week, creating routines to perform for their class.
Spanish: Year 4 have been revising their learning so far in their ‘Ancient Britain’ topic including the different eras, how to say they are a boy/girl from an era, the different tools and inventions from each age and the different homes from different eras.
Computing: Year 4 used the computers this week to transfer their designs of a system to prevent extreme weather harming people or places on to a digital platform.
Art: Year 4 used a reference of a feather to develop and showcase their sketching and shading skills. We concentrated on our shading becoming gradually darker and darker to create texture as well as adding depth by subtly adding colour into our sketches.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.
Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Lily T
Maths Award - Darcy
Writing Award - Hallie
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!