This week, Year 4 have continued exploring how they can be supportive and encouraging friends, thinking about the qualities they should demonstrate and how to love one another as Jesus has loved us. We deepened this thinking further by thinking of the small everyday acts of kindness we can perform to show our love towards others, treating others how we would like to be treated.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: This week, Year 4 continued exploring ‘The Whale’ and used one of the drawings of a shipwreck as inspiration to write an incidental piece of descriptive writing. Year 4 were experts as they did so much descriptive writing about shipwrecks and storms when we studied ‘Twelfth Night’ so were excited to prove that they had maintained all of their skills from the Autumn Term.
We edited our work, ensuring we included the important features we have worked so hard on throughout the year including fronted adverbials, similes, powerful verbs and adjectives and all of our expected punctuation.
Maths: Year 4 have been concentrating on making our counting more efficient, especially when crossing over the tens, hundreds and thousands. We explored using our number bonds to help us count in a more fluent way without relying just on our fingers or column addition!
Science: Year 4 continued exploring why pitch can be high or low. We used a practical experiment of three cups filled up with different amounts of water. Our class hypothesis was, ‘The amount of water in a glass changes a sound’s pitch’. Year 4 made their predictions and worked out which variable we would change before we tested the pitch of a noise made when we tapped a pen against each glass.
Year 4 discovered that the glass with the largest amount of water made a sound with a lower pitch than the glass with the least amount of water as the pitch of a sound depends on how much space vibrations have to travel through.
History: Year 4 concentrated this week on where the Anglo-Saxons settled when they first came to Britain. We discovered that they settled predominantly in the South-East. We know this because of all of the artefacts archaeologists have discovered (for example the Staffordshire Hoard) and how this can tell a story of the types of people that once would have been there.
PE: Year 4 have linked their Gymnastics this week with their Science learning. The class are building routines in their groups to represent a sound’s journey from being a vibration, to colliding with air particles, travelling as sound waves, through the ear canal and ear drum before reaching the brain as electrical signals.
Spanish: Year 4 have been revising their learning so far in their ‘Ancient Britain’ topic including the different eras, how to say they are a boy/girl from an era, the different tools and inventions from each age and the different homes from different eras.
Year 4 created group posters to showcase all of their learning so far this topic. We only had one rule, all of the vocabulary on their posters had to be in Spanish!
Art: Year 4 have started creating landscape sketches inspired by the artwork of John Brunsdon and our experiences of living on the coast.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.
Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Harriet
Maths Award - Olivia W and Lilly C
Writing Award - James
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!