Year 4 have spent their PSHE time this week thinking about the rules, rights and responsibilities that they have in their school. As we follow our school values, we are learning to respect the set rules of our school to ensure everybody is safe and thriving. We are understanding the importance to care about each others rights within our community, our rights to say stop and to speak out against any injustices we may witness. Finally, we can learn about the responsibilities we have as individuals in our school.
Year 4 have spent this time discussing these issues as they will need to understand the rules, rights and responsibilities of society in our democratic country. We explored what it means to have rights such as freedom of speech, the right to vote and the right to live peacefully in our country’s society.
Year 4 have decided that understanding these three concepts well and in depth now, is going to make their wider school life and later on experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: Having written their information reports all about polar bears and their habitats last week, Year 4 have spent this week rereading and editing their work. Year 4 wanted to take ownership of making their writing better by going over it, checking their grammar, spelling and punctuation and editing it to create a final and formal piece of writing.
Year 4 have also spent a good portion of their time practising their reading comprehension skills, particularly their ability to infer information from a text. We have examined how subtle information in a text can reveal how a character is feeling, what they are thinking and other important factors that contribute to a story’s plot.
Maths: Year 4 have continued extending and deepening their problem solving and reasoning skills using addition and subtraction. We have concentrated on exploring a word problem and underlining the important information within it. We then spent time using that important information to help us choose the most appropriate operation and calculation to use. Finally, we ensured that we were presenting and showing ALL of our calculations and working out to help us explain our answer clearly.
RE and Liturgy: Year 4 have revisited the parable of The Prodigal Son and have linked the story to our school values of care, learn and respect.
In the parable, the younger son takes responsibility for running away from his home and his family and wasting his share of inheritance by returning, apologising and accepting the consequences he believes he should face. This is just like how Year 4 have been working really hard on taking responsibility for their actions to guide them in learning from their experiences and making the right choices in the future.
To share the Wednesday Word together each week, please follow this link:
Science: Year 4 practised recording information in the form of diagrams this week. The class have spent lots of time exploring how sound is made, how sound travels through a medium to the ear as sound waves and how the parts of our ear work for the sound to be heard and recognised by the brain. Year 4 drew a diagram of the inside of the ear, labelling its anatomy clearly.
PE: After spending time on mastering our balance in Gymnastics, Year 4 have started looking at rolls that can be used in a Gymnastics routine. We explored using pencil rolls, egg rolls and forward rolls safely on our mats. Year 4 then thought about how they could combine their balances and rolls into a routine; demonstrating their teamwork and resilience to achieve their learning objective.
Spanish: Year 4 have been revising their learning so far in their ‘Ancient Britain’ topic including the different eras, how to say they are a boy/girl from an era and the different tools and inventions from each age. We have also started to learn the different types of homes used in the various eras.
Computing: This week, Year 4 used their prior learning of the different types of extreme weather and started their preliminary plans and designs for a system that can either warn of or prevent extreme types of weather.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.
Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Alexander
Maths Award - Lily T
Writing Award - Ronnie
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!