Year 4 have been working hard this new school year to understand and demonstrate their core school values of care, learn and respect.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: We have continued studying our Dilemma unit through Twelfth Night. Year 4 were so excited this week to welcome the RSC into school for our very own performance! It was a delight to watch Year 4 not only immerse themselves in the show but also follow the story and recognise plot points and vocabulary from their work in the classroom. The RSC even chose one of our class members to play the Priest in one of the scenes!
Not only did Year 4 get to watch all of the incredibly talented actors in their own school hall but they also got to see the props they had made in class in the performance. Year 4 spent their time earlier in the week creating very special bunting to be used during the RSC’s production of Twelfth Night. This bunting also had the purpose of being used at the Grand Theatre for successive productions!
Year 4 have also started planning a piece of descriptive writing inspired by Twelfth Night’s stormy shipwreck. Today Year 4 created a storm circle in which we used pictures, videos and musical instruments to create our storm. We then used our storm circle to discover and share exciting vocabulary and create a word carpet that will aid us in our final piece of writing.
Maths: Year 4 have worked very hard to understand Roman Numerals this week. The class found this learning difficult however have really shown their resilience as they progressed through their work to understand Roman Numerals to one hundred. It would be fantastic if the children could practise this skill at home to really master their understanding of Roman Numerals.
RE and Worship: Year 4 have spent more time examining the Bible and comparing stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Science: This week Year 4 have continued exploring their Animals Including Humans topic. The class have started looking at both human and animal teeth and their functions. We looked at human teeth to begin with including; incisors, canines, premolars, molars and wisdom teeth and their purposes. We then moved on to comparing these to teeth of different species and groups of animals. We also examined the reason that carnivores, herbivores and omnivores might require different types of teeth for their varied diets.
History: This week we have explored the concept of timelines. We particularly focused on the difference between BC and AD and how on a BC timeline the years descend unlike an AD timeline in which the years ascend. Year 4 then built their own timelines in their books, showcasing some key Ancient Egyptian events/facts in the correct order.
Year 4 also used their observational and analytical skills to identify key parts of a picture source. Year 4 had to find significant parts of an Ancient Egyptian image such as hieroglyphs, headdresses and robes.
PSHE: Examining our emotional wellbeing and the challenges that can come when making the right choices.
PE: Year 4 have been concentrating on their tactical ball skills this half term to aid them in playing a successful game of dodgeball. The class have focused on under arm and over arm throws as well as successful catching positions and techniques.
From Friday 7th October, homework will be handed out on Fridays to give Year 4 children a little extra time. Homework will still be due in on a Thursday. Please do not spend more than ten to fifteen minutes a night on this however as it is important for everyone to have time for their own personal wellbeing!
Spelling tests will be completed each Thursday.
PE days for Year 4 this year are on a Tuesday and a Friday.
Please ensure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Congratulations to our award winners this week:
Golden Award - Henry
Maths Award - Mia
Writing Award - Darcy