It is hard to believe that Year 4 are coming to the end of their third week! The staff in class and across school have been impressed and inspired with how caring and respectful Year 4 have presented themselves throughout the week.

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: We have continued studying our dilemma unit through Twelfth Night. Year 4 have immersed themselves in the story through drama, becoming the characters to help their character understanding and analysis. Year 4 have used this knowledge to create their own character descriptions of Viola from the story using a range of descriptive language such as adjectives and similes.

Maths: Year 4 have continued exploring Place Value. This week we have focused gradually and significantly on our four digit numbers as well as the number ten thousand.

RE and Worship: This week, in light of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday, Year 4 have explored the concept of kings and queens. Together, we thought about and discussed what kings and queens look like on earth, concentrating on their thrones, wealth and importance. Then we thought about the kingdom of heaven and what kind of king Jesus is; he is a servant king. We decided together that Jesus does not rule for wealth and riches but instead serves us instead of expecting to be served. We then thought about which New Testament Bible stories we see evidence of our servant King through.

Science: This week Year 4 have continued exploring their Animals Including Humans topic. We have spent time examining the human digestive system including all of the main basic parts and their individual functions.

History: This week we have continued to investigate who the Ancient Egyptians were. We explored some of the different job roles throughout the Ancient Egyptian period and the different groups within society that would have undertaken these roles. Year 4 then discussed and chose which position they would have most liked to have!

PSHE: Examining our emotional wellbeing and the challenges that can come when making the right choices.


Homework will be handed out on a Monday and be due in each Thursday.

Spelling tests will also be completed each Thursday.

PE days for Year 4 this year are on a Tuesday and a Friday.

Please ensure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.

Congratulations to our award winners this week:

Golden Award - Olivia W

Maths Award - Lilly C

Writing Award - Alexander

AuthorKatie Whitehead