This Sunday’s Gospel reading focuses on Jesus the healer. Jesus cleansed ten lepers and healed them of their illness. This particular Gospel story shows us Jesus’ never ending compassion, love, mercy and willingness to serve us instead of be served. What we are told in this Gospel reading, is more evidence for Christians that Jesus was sent to guide and save us, showing through his own actions how we can live the best life.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: We have continued studying our dilemma unit through Twelfth Night. Year 4 completed their pieces of descriptive writing to create an image of the dramatic storm and ship wreck at the beginning of Twelfth Night. The staff in Year 4 were highly impressed with the wide range of vocabulary, similes and metaphors used in their writing. Year 4 really showcased their descriptive writing skills to show and not tell their ship wreck.
Maths: Year 4 have continued exploring Place Value. This week, we have been focusing on more than and less than, particularly on crossing between thousands and hundreds. We have also put a focus on comparing 4 digit numbers using our more than, less than and equal to signs.
RE and Worship: Year 4 have continued to explore and analyse stories from the Bible. This week, we concentrated on the creation story. We recapped the Christian creation story together and then discussed and reflected upon the aspects of creation we would miss the most if they did not exist.
Science: Year 4 have continued exploring their Animals Including Humans topic. This week we began our tooth decay enquiry. As a class, we thought about what a scientific enquiry is and why scientists ask questions and then test their questions. Together we planned our experiment of using five different types of liquids; water, milk, orange juice, apple juice and coca cola to show the possibilities and stages of tooth decay. As a replacement for teeth, we will be using egg shells and leaving them in each liquid over a period of time to see which liquid will decay the egg shell the quickest. Year 4 thought about what we need to keep the same in our enquiry in order to ensure it is a fair test, as well as what our variable will be and the equipment we will need to use. Hopefully our predictions will be correct!
History: This week we have continued to investigate who the Ancient Egyptians were. Just like in our Science learning, we have continued to practise our enquiry skills as we have explored some of the most famous Ancient Egyptian pharaohs such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra. Year 4 were challenged with researching key information for each pharaoh such as their reigning dates and the name of their kingdom to complete a research table.
PSHE: Examining our emotional wellbeing and the challenges that can come when making the right choices.
PE: Year 4 have been using their team work skills to take part in Invasion Games. We focused this week on what an attacker and a defender’s unique roles are. We also concentrated on rule following in a game and completing instructions the first time around, as quickly as possible.
Homework will now be handed out on a Friday and be due in each Thursday.
Spelling tests will also be completed each Thursday.
PE days for Year 4 this year are on a Tuesday and a Friday.
Please ensure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure times tables practice is done regularly, just ten minutes a day makes a huge difference!
Upcoming Events:
On Thursday 20th October there will be an own clothes day to raise money for the PTA, we ask that there be a £1 per child donation.
On 4th November from 6 to 7pm, the PTA are organising a KS2 Bonfire Night Disco. This will be £3 a ticket.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Oscar
Maths Award - Lola Mae
Writing Award - Harriet