What a busy week Year 4 have had!
Key Stage 2 kicked off the week with their fantastic Sports Day! Every single pupil in Key Stage 2 should be extremely proud of themselves for demonstrating their resilience, teamwork, dedication and support of all those around them. It was clear to see this Monday afternoon the ethos of the school shining through Our Lady’s pupils.
1st place - Layton (500)
2nd place - Marton (473)
3rd place - Clifton (470)
4th place - Newton (469)
The Grand Theatre!
The time came this week for the children in Year 4 to take part in their ‘Tales Retold’ sharing day at The Grand Theatre in partnership with The Knotted Project. The children took part in theatre games, rehearsed, got to mix with other local primary schools and most importantly; share their interpretation of a Gangsta Granny scene on the very stage itself! Our Lady’s chose the scene from the first book when Ben is forced to enter the local dance competition. The class performed their version of the scene from the book however they then inserted some resilient moves into the scene and changed the outcome of this vital moment in the story.
St Peter and Paul
Year 4 behaved beautifully at the Mass for St Peter and Paul on Wednesday, their respect for and dedication to being prayerful was really impressive and lovely to see.
Our learning this week:
Year 4 have spent more time investigating decimals. The class have continued to extend and deepen their knowledge on tenths and hundredths and comparing these on a place value chart.
Year 4 have continued to work in their own production teams on their play scripts! The class have now written and produced two scenes in their teams including; the title of their scenes, the characters in each scene, the dialogue included in the scenes, clear stage directions and even setting out on paper what that setting will look like and which props they would need.
Hopefully they will soon be ready to perform these to the class!
Year 4 have continued exploring the different states of matter. After last week’s practical lesson observing how water can change states, we moved on to looking at the water cycle. Year 4 spent time exploring and investigating the repetitive cycle of evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.
Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure all times tables are still being practised despite the check having been completed, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!
Please make sure children are coming into school with sun cream, sun hats and plastic water bottles as we progress further into the Summer.
Finally, in preparation for the end of summer term, please can children begin to bring in strong carrier bags to eventually take their school books home with them.
Thank you from everyone in Year 4!