This week in Year 4 we have been doing their best to be positive learners in all aspects of their school life!
All of the staff have been impressed by the work the class of Year 4 have been doing to try and achieve a more positive mindset to continue to grow their learning. We have been focusing particularly on increasing our resilience so we are able to have a go, aim high and progress from our mistakes. Year 4 now understand that making mistakes can be a positive thing as well as being proof that we are learning.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: This week, we have been focusing on some of the punctuation and grammar important for our development in Year 4. Together, we have focused on the use of apostrophes to show possession. We explored what it means to possess/own something and how our apostrophe shows us when something belongs to a person, an object or a place.
We have also spent time consolidating our use of paragraphs in our work and what their purpose is in a piece of writing.
Maths: Year 4 have continued exploring Place Value. This week, we have continued to look at numbers in the thousands going all the way up to 10,000. Year 4 have spent time ordering numbers to 10,000 before moving on to rounding numbers to 10,000.
RE and Worship: Year 4 have continued to explore and analyse stories from the Bible. This week, we consolidated our understanding of the creation story, representing the six days of creation and the final day of God’s rest through artwork.
After this, we moved on to begin exploring the story of Moses.
Science: Year 4 have continued exploring their Animals Including Humans topic. This week we continued with our tooth decay enquiry. As a class, we reminded ourselves of what a scientific enquiry is and why scientists ask questions. Year 4 remembered what we needed to keep the same in our enquiry in order to ensure it is a fair test, as well as what our variable was and the equipment we needed.
We performed and observed our enquiry together, ensuring we followed all the steps correctly and the test was fair.
The class unanimously decided that they thought the coca cola would cause the most decay to the egg shell due to their prior knowledge that fizzy pop usually has high levels of processed sugar that can cause teeth to rot and decay. We will see over the coming days if we are correct!
History: This week we have continued to investigate who the Ancient Egyptians were. This week we discovered the interesting yet gruesome process of mummification! We analysed the different stages and rituals involved in the preparation of an Ancient Egyptian mummy. Some of the key vocabulary we discovered together included; canopic jars and sarcophagus.
PSHE: Examining our emotional wellbeing and the challenges that can come when making the right choices.
PE: Year 4 have been using their team work skills to take part in Invasion Games. We focused this week on what an attacker and a defender’s unique roles are. We also concentrated on rule following in a game and completing instructions the first time around, as quickly as possible.
Computing: Year 4 have been exploring their basic programming skills to give simple instructions to a character on scratch.
Spanish: Year 4 have been consolidating their Year 3 learning this half term and beginning to extend this. We have spent time practising our counting up to the number forty.
We also spent time exploring where Spain is on a map of Europe before labelling some of the main cities in Spain.
Homework will now be handed out on a Friday and be due in each Thursday.
Spelling tests will also be completed each Thursday.
PE days for Year 4 this year are on a Tuesday and a Friday.
Please ensure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure times tables practice is done regularly, just ten minutes a day makes a huge difference!
Upcoming Events:
On Thursday 20th October there will be an own clothes day to raise money for the PTA, we ask that there be a £1 per child donation.
On 4th November from 6 to 7pm, the PTA are organising a KS2 Bonfire Night Disco. This will be £3 a ticket.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Darcy
Maths Award - Teddy
Writing Award - Connie