During our Harvest celebration assembly this week, the class of Year 4 concentrated on all of the positives of our wonderful world. We also celebrated the things in our life that bring us joy every single day.
Thank you so much to all of the donations to our harvest collection! As a school we have collected over four hundred tins of food for Blackpool foodbank to help those that need extra support.
Year 4’s learning this week:
English: This week, Year 4 planned, drafted, edited and wrote up the final pieces of writing for their work on Twelfth Night. Our studies of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night have inspired lots of pieces of creative, fictional writing for our class and this final piece has been the best yet!
Year 4 wrote a diary entry from the perspective of Viola. They included all of the events she goes through in the play in chronological order as well as adding emotion and feeling into their writing. We made sure we included all of the features of a diary entry as well as our adjectives, powerful verbs, similes and metaphors.
Maths: Year 4 spent part of this week consolidating their understanding of rounding to the nearest thousand.
Year 4 then moved on to looking at counting in 25s and understanding the pattern to help them count in 25s well into the 100s.
RE and Worship: Year 4 have continued exploring the story of Moses. To consolidate our understanding of the story of Moses, Year 4 are each creating their own story of Moses storybook to share with some of the younger children in key stage one.
To share a word from the coming Gospel together each week, please find a link for the Wednesday Word here:
Science: Year 4 have continued exploring their Animals Including Humans topic. This week we observed the results of our tooth decay enquiry. The whole class were extremely excited to see whether water, apple juice, orange juice or coca cola would decay its egg shell the quickest.
We discovered that the water did no damage at all to the egg shell and the orange juice did not cause much damage either. However, the apple juice and the coca cola both caused their egg shell to turn a horrible black/brown colour, change the texture of the shell and cause significant decay.
We were all expecting the coca cola to cause damage due to the artificial preservatives in the drink but we were quite shocked at the damage the apple juice did!
PE: Year 4 have been using their team work skills to take part in Invasion Games. We focused this week on using our new attacking and defending skills to play mixed games of handball.
Computing: Year 4 have been exploring their basic programming skills to give simple instructions to a character on Scratch. We are now getting very close to being able to programme our own games on Scratch after exploring examples of other games and using our decomposition skills to look at all the individual parts that are needed on Scratch to make a complete game.
PSHE: This week, Year 4 thought about how everybody in our world is different. We explored the different ways in which we are all unique to one another and how we can try and be understanding and helpful to those around us that may have difficulties that we don’t face.
Over half term, please make sure you are reading regularly and practising times tables on TT Rock stars.
Upcoming Events:
On Thursday 10th November, Year 4 are having their Ancient Egyptian day! Please come dressed inspired by an aspect of Ancient Egyptian society.
If you do not want your child to take part in the food tasting part of our Ancient Egyptian day, please contact the school office.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Elsie
Maths Award - Jana
Writing Award - Lily
Have a very happy half term!