What a fun and exciting week we have had in Year 4! The children have really settled into the Year 4 routine and are living up to the expectations that Year 4 brings.
Maths - This week we have been working super hard on our times tables. the children have been exploring fact families and have been using the concrete objects of hoops and bean bags to help them. I’m very impressed with how hard that children have worked! Keep it up Year 4.
English - We have planned and written our own chapter for the dilemma text ‘Lost or Stolen’ where our character Chandra faces another dilemma. The children have blown me away with their writing they were a joy to read!
Science - This week we have been looking at the digestive system. The children were able to label and describe the function of each part of the digestive system. They were also able to describe how food passes through it and wrote a piece about ‘The journey of a cheese sandwich’.
RE - We have been analysing the story of Moses this week. The children were able to recall the story and analyse the reasons behind the actions of Moses. The children’s thoughtfulness when analysing the reasons showed me that they are all true disciples of Jesus.
History - This week we have been looking at how England was divided into 7 kingdoms. We discussed that each kingdom had their own king and how each kingdom would invade the other.
European Languages Day - On Thursday we spent the afternoon creating our own fact file about Germany. We looked at German facts, numbers and colours. We also coloured the German flag and were able to locate Germany on a map of Europe.
Unfortunately today some of the children were quite disappointed with their scores on their times tables and spelling quiz. After speaking to the children quite a few admitted that they had not learnt them. Please could I ask all parents to remind their children of the importance of learning both spellings and times tables as it is part of their homework. Thankyou.
Golden award - This week the Golden award was given to Declan. Declan is an amazing role model in Year 4 and is constantly on task and working hard. Well done Declan.
Star Writer - This award was given to Kourtney. Kourtney has produced some outstanding pieces of writing this week. The attention to detail, handwriting and content of her writing is truly outstanding. Well done Kourtney.
There was no Maths award this week as on Monday we welcomed our new reception children to our school family.
Maths - Page 22
English - Page 62 and 63
4 times tables facts and spellings for our test on Friday.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cunningham-Kay