What a week! The children have blown me away with how hard they have been working and have shown great resilience if they have found something quite tricky. We have been really shining our light. Well done Year 4!
Maths – This week we have been looking at multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. The children have worked extremely hard and have used their growth mindset when they have found it difficult. We have also been looking at fractions of a number. We had to use our knowledge of fact families from last week to help us solve the questions.
English – We have started our new theme of Information texts. We discussed where we can gather information from came up with questions we would want to ask if we were looking at buying a new mobile phone. We also analysed the information text ‘Greatest gadget of them all’ and looked how it was presented it in a way which included a story about a character named Emily.
Science – This week we have been looking at food chains. We discussed the different parts of a food chain and we able to use scientific vocabulary to describe them. We then created our own food chains and explained each part using the correct scientific term.
RE – We have looked at the story of David and Goliath this week. We discussed the actions of David and how he bravely stood and faced Goliath with no armour. We also discussed that David trusted in God to protect him and the Israelites. The children then created their own ‘jar of courage’ with the ingredients David needed when he faced Goliath.
History – This week we have been investigating the Viking raid on Lindisfarne. We looked at how the Vikings destroyed the monastery, stole all the treasures and killed the monks who lived there. We then wrote a letter pretending we were a surviving monk to King Ethelred explaining what had happened.
Important notice
We have now finished our Yoga session for this half term. With this change in timetable I have now moved our outdoor slot from a Friday to a Wednesday. The children will still have their indoor PE slot with Mrs Parker on a Tuesday.
Maths – pages 32 and 33 (fractions of amounts)
English – page 4 (nouns)
Times Tables – I have sent home the 8 times table fact sheet for the children to learn for our quiz on Friday (11th)
Spellings – I have sent home 8 spellings for our quiz on Friday (11th)
Award winners
Maths Award – My Maths award this week went to Sienna. Sienna has blown me away with her resilience and maturity in Maths. She constantly tries her best and will always ask for help when needed. Well done Sienna!
Star Writer – My Star Writer award this week went to Elliot for his incredible piece of writing on the Viking attack on Lindisfarne. The descriptive language he used really made me think I was there. Well done Elliot!
Golden Award – My Golden Award this week went to Kourtney. Kourtney is such a positive role model in our class and always works hard. The effort and detail she puts into each piece of work is truly outstanding! Well done Kourtney!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cunningham-Kay