What a lovely week we have had in Year 4! We have been extremely busy being authors and scientists.

English - We are continuing looking at our dilemma text ‘Lost or Stolen?’ This week we pretended to be one of the characters and created a ‘conscience alley’ where our character seeked advice on the dilemma she faced. We have also began to plan our own chapter for the story which we will write next week.

Maths - We have been working extremely hard in Maths this week. We have been adding 2-digit numbers mentally, placing 4-digit numbers on a number line and recognising multiplication and division facts for the 6 times table.. The children also had a small 3 times table quiz, please ask your child for their result.

Science - This week we have done an experiment to investigate the effect different drinks have on our teeth. We submerged boiled eggs in; cola, orange juice, apple juice, water and milk. We then observed them at the same time for 3 days and noticed how the eggs were cracking, peeling and changing colour.

RE - We have been looking at the Bible and exploring how God speaks to us through it. The children were able to find references in the Bible and could explain what message God was sending to us.

History - We have been continuing with our Anglo-Saxon theme and have been describing the different jobs the Anglo-Saxon people had. The children were particularly interested in the fact that the children did not know how to read or write and would hardly have anytime to play.


Mrs McVey has launched two competitions this week.

  1. Design a ticket for the RSC Merchant of Venice production at school. If the children would like to enter please could they complete their entry on an A4 piece of paper with their name on the back and hand it in to me. The closing date is on Monday (23rd) and the winner will have their design printed on the tickets that will be sold in school.

  2. Design a poster for European Languages Day which explains why is it important to learn a language? What are the benefits? Again, could entries be on an A4 piece of paper with their name on the back and hand it in to me. The closing date is Tuesday (24th) and prizes will be given for the best designs.


Maths - Ordering and comparing numbers (both pages)

English - Prefixes mis and dis (both pages)

Times tables - I have given the children the 9 times table fact sheet. The children need to learn these please as they will have a short quiz on Friday.

Spellings - I have sent the children home with some spellings. These spelling will be part of a dictation passage the children will be doing on Friday.


Maths Award - This week the Maths award was given to Brodie. Brodie’s perseverance and resilience during our Maths lessons has been absolutely incredible. Well done Brodie!

This week with having the school photographer in unfortunately we have not had our Golden Assembly therefore we have not had a Golden Book award or a Star Writer award.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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