What a busy first week we have had.  On Wednesday we had a visit from a lady from the Blackpool Tower Circus.  She showed us historical images of the circus and the children created their own ‘act’ which we may see in future circus performances.

On Thursday we had Maths Day.  I was extremely impressed with the children’s outfits.  They all looked incredible!  We looked at famous mathematicians and tried to think of jobs where we didn’t need to use maths.  We created posters to promote Maths and how important it was.  We then created our own Maths games.  I have added pictures from Maths day onto the Year 4 Gallery section of the website. 

Maths – This week we have being looking at length.  We have been converting measurements from centimetres to millimetres and vice versa.  We also looked at how we can estimate length and measured the length of out playground.

English – We have started our new theme of poetry.  We read two poems and then closed our eyes to create an image in our minds.  We also acted out a poem and created ‘freeze-frames’ with our bodies.

Science – We have begun our new theme of ‘Living things are their habitats’.  We looked at what characteristics living things had and created a poster. 

RE – We have been looking at how Christians trust in God.  We explored the story of ‘Jesus calms the storm’ and discussed what we can learn from this miracle.

History – This week we have been comparing the Anglo-Saxon justice system to the modern day justice system.  We explored the different punishments the Anglo-Saxons performed then came up with our own punishments based on some scenarios.

Important notice

  • Apologies that I had to cancel Parent’s day.  I have arranged another Parent’s day on the 7th of November please ensure that you have an appointment with me.  If not, please call the office to arrange one.  Thankyou.


Maths – page 42 and 43 (Units)

English – page 42 and 43 (Commas for Writing Lists)

Spellings for our quiz on the 8th November

7 times table for our quiz on the 8th November

Times Table Rockstars (at least 1 game over the weekend)

Award winners

We had no awards this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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