Thankyou to all the parent’s that came to parent’s day on Thursday. It was lovely to meet you all.
The children have had another busy week of learning.
Maths – This week we have been doubling and halving 2-digit numbers. We have also been looking at fractions. We have been exploring equivalent fractions.
English – We have been continuing with our poetry theme. We have been looking at a Haiku poem and the rules they have. We also wrote our own Haiku poems about a subject if our choice.
Science – We have been investigating vertebrates this week. The children created characteristics for each category, e.g mammals, fish etc, then created a diagram.
History – This week we have been exploring the different aspects of Viking life. The children worked in groups to create posters about; religion and Gods, clothes and jewellery, art and craft, houses and food and finally, writing and rhyme. The children then presented their findings to the rest of the class.
RE – We have looked at the story of Zechariah and how he found it difficult to trust in God.
Please can I remind parents that children should not be coming in to school with nail varnish on. Thankyou.
Award Winners
Star Writer – Lennon for his beautiful handwriting.
Maths Award – Evie and Nathaniel for their perseverance and resilience during Maths lessons.
Maths –page 29
English – page 6
12 times tables
The children need to be going on TT Rockstars at least once over the weekend please.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cunningham-Kay