I cannot believe we have come to the end of our first half term together. The children have blown me away with the way they have settled in and lived up to the expectations Year 4 brings. What a fantastic start to the year we have had!
Maths – This week we have been looking at Time. We have been looking at how times can be represented differently on analogue and digital clocks. We have also been looking at the 24-hour clock and intervals of time.
English – In English we have been looking at how inventors may ‘pitch’ their idea to potential investors. We decided what made a good pitch and worked with our learning partners to create our own pitch to the class on a gadget called ‘Holo-World’
Science – We have been looking at how humans can impact on food chains. We investigated how humans harm habitats through deforestation and urbanisation and created an information poster.
RE – In RE we have been making links between Bible stories and the actions of Christians. We discussed how we show we trust in God and how we follow in Jesus’ footsteps.
History – This week we have been exploring the story of King Offa. We looked at the dyke he created to stop potential invaders and created a film reel of the story of King Offa beheading his daughter’s future husband.
Important notice
In a previous blog I said that the children need to be going on Times Table Rockstars at least 3 times a week. Just to clarify this includes once at the weekend. If the children are unable to go on at the weekend, then iPads will be made available for the children to go on it during break time on a Monday.
I have not set any homework for half term although I would like the children to go on Times Table Rockstars at least once over the holidays.
Award winners
We had no awards this week as on Monday we had our Harvest assembly and we had no Golden assembly.
Have a lovely half term break!
Mrs Cunningham-Kay