What an action-packed week we have had! Year 4 have been certainly ‘throwing their beam’ not just in the classroom but all around the school! Well done Year 4 you make me more and more proud every week!
On Monday we explored the Shakespeare play ‘The Merchant of Venice’. First, we looked at images of the play and organised them into what we thought was the correct order. Then we read a synopsis of the text then discussed the different themes.
We also had the pleasure of working with Miss Heim-Sarac and Year 3. The children were split into small groups and given a scene to act out. The children blew Miss Heim-Sarac and I away with their acting skills, they were incredible. On Tuesday we had the privilege of watching the Royal Shakespeare Company perform ‘The Merchant of Venice’. We had a great time!
Maths – This week we have been focusing on the column method for addition and subtraction. We used base ten as a visual representation on how we need to ‘carry’ ones or tens over to help us solve the questions.
English – We have been focusing on Information texts and this week we have created our very own information text on how to keep your mobile phone safe. We have also been looking at noun phrases and how we can use these to describe settings.
Science – This week we have explored how environmental changes can impact on wildlife, habitats and food chains. We created fact files on the impact of urbanisation, pollution, deforestation and natural changes such as earthquakes and noted the effect of living things.
RE – In RE we have been making links between the Bible stories of Moses and David and Goliath. We created a mind map and compared the beliefs and actions of Moses and David.
History – We have been looking at ‘Danegeld’. Danegeld was a payment made by the Anglo-Saxon King Ethelred the Unready to the Vikings to stop them from raiding Britain. The children analysed a poem written about Danegeld and match it to statements about Danegeld.
PE – This week we have been focusing on our throwing skills. We have been working hard on our chest pass and bounce pass. The children played a game where they had to pass the ball without it being caught by the defender.
Important notice
Last week I sent out the log in details for the children to access Times Table Rockstars at home. I would like the children to have a go at least three times a week this should include at least once at the weekend to improve their fluency. If you have any problems with logging in please let me know.
Maths – page 18 and 19 (Written Addition and Written Subtraction)
English – page 16 and 17 (Noun Phrases)
Times Tables – On Thursday (17th) I am going to quiz the children on the times tables they have learnt this half term. These include all the times tables apart from the 7’s and 12’s. I’ve sent home a times table fact sheet to help the children learn them.
Spellings – I have sent home 8 spellings for the children’s quiz on Thursday (17th)
Award winners
Maths Award – This week my Maths Award went to Molly. Molly’s time table knowledge is incredible. She has blown me away with her scores on her times table tests and has been applying her knowledge to working out fractions of amounts. Well done Molly!
Star Writer – My Star Writer Award this week goes to Isabella. Isabella’s writing is truly outstanding! The effort and detail she puts in is absolutely incredible and I love reading her work. Well done Isabella!
Golden Award – This week the Gold Award went to Jensen. Jensen is an amazing role model in Year 4. He constantly works hard and tries his best even when he is finding something difficult. Well done Jensen!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cunningham-Kay