Good morning and welcome to week 6 of home learning! During this strange time there have been lots of things happening that have been unbearably sad; however there have also been lots of positive things happening too. For me, Captain Tom Moore and his outstanding fundraising efforts for the NHS have really stood out as a beacon of positivity. This man, who is now 100 years old, has raised a staggering amount of money for the NHS, from his back garden! When we look back on this time in years to come, I know he will be remembered fondly. As Captain Tom said, the sun will shine on us again soon, hopefully sooner rather than later. Well done Captain Tom!


This week, we will carry on as we have been, by prioritising the tasks set on Class Dojo. I know I have said this many times, but thank you so much for all of your hard work so far. A big thank you also to your parents for supporting you.

I will continue to set tasks on Sumdog, Education City and TTRS for the children to complete if they have time. Please see my blog from last week for the links to the new Oak National Academy and the BBC bitesize lessons that are now available for the children. If you have used any of these resources, please message me on Dojo and let me know your thoughts.

Unfortunately, last week we lost our TTRS battle to Year 4. However, we were so so close! I have a feeling this week is going to be our week! The battle starts at 9.30am tomorrow and ends at 5pm on Tuesday. Good luck! After this week we will probably have a break for a short while from battling! We will need a rest as it’s quite stressful :)

Here is a link to this week’s home learning project if you have been following it:

Home Learning Project Week 6

Please also continue to utilise the Church website - the link is on our school website and takes you straight there. Father Jim has done lots of work on the children’s page of the website to give the children access to lots of interesting information but also to allow them to contact him if they wish. His e-mail is: Father loves to hear from the children so please get in touch! He also regularly posts videos on to the page. It is so important that we keep our faith going during these unsettling times!

Stay safe Year 3, I’m sending my love to you all…

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac