Good morning everybody! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I cannot believe we are in Week 5 of home learning. Time has really flown since we entered lock down. I can only hope that we are all back together as a class soon. In the meantime though, all I can say is WOW! The work you are doing at home is absolutely fantastic. You are all working hard and trying your best. That is all I can ask for.

As you are aware by now, I would like the work set on Class Dojo to be prioritised. Each week there will be three Maths activities, a writing task, a reading task, a creative task, a ‘tell me about your week’ task and daily LBQ quizzes. I will continue to set activities on Sumdog, Education City and TTRS for the children to access if they have time. Last week, we unfortunately lost our TTRS battle with Year 4 but that was certainly not because we didn’t try! It was very close towards the end! I have set up another battle for this week, starting tomorrow at 9.30am and ending on Tuesday at 5pm. Let’s see if we can win this week Year 3, I have faith in you!

There are lots of other fantastic resources on the internet now for you to access for further activities. Two of those are the new Oak National Academy which the government unveiled last week and also BBC Bitesize have uploaded lots of new lessons on to their website. I would urge you to take a look at these sites and see what you think ( &

For those of you following the learning project I have been posting, here is the link to week 5:

Home Learning Project Week 5

Further additional resources:

  • Lancashire Stay at Home programme - this has some fun physical activities the children could have a go at!

  • Church website - this link will take you directly to the children’s page on the Church website. Father Jim would love for the children to contact him via e-mail ( and ask him any questions they may have, just like our ‘ask Father Jim’ book at school! You will also notice that next to certain items on the website there is a red marker. If you click on the image it will take you to a video which will explain what it is and it’s importance. See how many you can find!

  • On our school website there are daily linked prayers from a website we use in school called TenTen. You may want to use these as a way of starting your day together! We are going to start saying these together in school with the children who are still attending.

  • Further R.E. activities - this link will take you to a document with many different R.E. tasks for all year groups - take a look at the Year 3 activities.

I know that I have listed a lot of different resources above - please know that these are just for guidance! I think it is helpful for you to know where to look if you are looking for extra activities to do but at the same time I don’t want to bombard you!

Thank you again for your continued support - stay safe and have a good week!

Miss Heim-Sarac

Stay home stay safe.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac