On Friday it was VE Day which was celebrated all over the country, and rightly so. VE day marked the end of WW2, and this year was the 75th anniversary of that day. 75 years ago our country was facing a national crisis and now in 2020 we are yet again facing another crisis. This time, we aren’t being asked to send the men in our family to fight the enemy, or to create blackout shelters for when there is an air strike. We aren’t being asked to ration our food or to live with barely any money or means of survival. It certainly puts in to perspective that what we are being asked to do now is not that difficult a task (although it can sometimes feel that way!) We can stay home for a while longer to enable our country to get back on track! We may have days where we are grumpy and sad because we really want to see our friends or family, but on the whole we are all doing so well at following the government advice. Keep going Year 3, we can do this!

One song that I kept hearing on Friday was Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll meet again’. This song was brought out at the start of WW2 in 1939 but it was seen as a symbol of hope that the war would soon end. When I listened to the lyrics I realised that some of them could easily speak to our current situation so I thought it very fitting that the title of my blog this week is a lyric from the song! Vera Lynn is now 103 years old and sang the song again this year to commemorate VE Day.

VE Day.jpg

We are now in WEEK 7 of home learning! WEEK 7! I can’t believe it! 7 weeks of fantastic home learning. I can’t deny that I miss you all very much, but as I’ve said many times, the learning you are doing at home is brilliant. You are working so hard, and putting in so much time and effort, and it’s really paying off Year 3. Some of you are making huge progress in areas such as handwriting because you are taking the time to PRACTICE! I couldn’t be prouder.

Please continue to prioritise the tasks I set on Class Dojo, and please feel free to message me on there or e-mail me on year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk if you are having any trouble with the tasks or any technical issues with Dojo. I am loving seeing pictures of your work and also pictures of the other activities you are getting up to at home.

The children can also access Sumdog, TTRS and Education City for further activities if they have time. There are also the resources on the Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize that the children can also access. I feel that now would be a good time to mention, again, that we WON our TTRS battle with Year 4 last week :) WELL DONE! It was a big win too! We will now have a break from battling for a little while (I know parents will be happy to hear this!)

Please remember to visit the Church website for updates from Father Jim and also to access the weekly Mass which he streams. I hope some of you are managing to do this each week. Miss Haggerty is also posting prayers on to the school website.

Here is the link to the learning project for this week:

Home Learning Project Week 7

Have a good week and keep well,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac