Hello everybody! Firstly, thank you so much for all of your continued hard work and effort you are putting in at home. You make me smile daily with all of your messages, work and photos that you upload on to Class Dojo. I feel like the luckiest teacher in the world! I also want to thank your parents for their continued support, it must be very tricky for them to take on the role of teacher at home so make sure you are polite and respectful and work hard!

As you now know, each week I would like the children to prioritise the work I set on Class Dojo. If you are struggling for time, please focus on the Maths and English tasks first. For the Maths tasks I use the White Rose Maths resources which are very well put together and include great video tutorials for the children to follow.

I will still set the children activities on Sumdog, Education City and times tables rock stars for them to have a go at if they can. Which brings me on to some very exciting news for this week…tomorrow at 1pm we are going to have a BATTLE with Year 4 on times tables rock stars! The battle will end on Wednesday at 5pm and the aim is to get as many points as possible. We must win! :) It is my understanding that the children can earn points towards the battle from any game on TTRS, whether it be garage, studio etc. There will be a banner at the top of your child’s home page which will tell the children how many points each year group has. Good luck!

Here is the link to this week’s learning project for additional ideas to keep the children busy:

Home Learning Project Week 4

As always, please feel free to e-mail me (year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk) or send me a message on Class Dojo if you need anything!

Sending lots of love to you all,

Miss Heim-Sarac

P.S. Here is a lovely poem I found this week which I wanted to share with you all:

Twinkl poem 2.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac