Good morning and welcome to week 3 of home learning! I hope you have all managed to have a lovely Easter, even under the current circumstances. Thank goodness for the beautiful weather we have been blessed with this past week. I hope you all managed to take a moment to reflect this weekend on the Resurrection of Jesus and the events of Holy Week. It is such a special time for us as Catholics, and whilst we were unable to celebrate in Church, I am sure you celebrated in your own way at home. Father Jim is recording Mass regularly and putting these on the Church website, so some of you may have taken part in his Easter Sunday Mass.

I just wanted to recap my home learning expectations with you. Please prioritise the tasks I set on Class Dojo. In a previous blog I explained what tasks I would be setting weekly (daily LBQ quiz, a reading task, a writing task, a tell me about your week task, a creative task and three Maths activities). I totally understand that we have some parents who are key workers and therefore time is limited for you at home to complete these activities. If this is the case, prioritise the Maths and English tasks if possible. Above everything, I understand this is a tricky time at home in general even if you aren’t a key worker as the children’s routines have changed and (like my son at the moment) their motivation to do school work might be quite low. Please be reassured that if you don’t complete a particular task, there is no judgement on my part. I really appreciate the effort and work that is being done and I am very grateful for your support. I am always on hand for you to e-mail me or message me on Class Dojo if you do have any concerns (the e-mail address is I cannot tell you how lovely it is to be able to still be in contact with the children and to see what they are up to at home.

I will be logging on to Dojo very shortly to set the activities for this week. Thank you to all who took part in the Easter activities I set - I can’t wait to have a look through those today! The children can also do activities on Sumdog and Education City, and they can also keep practising their times tables on TTRS. I will post a link below to the Learning Project for Week 3 for those who find it useful:

Home Learning Project - Week 3

Sending you all lots of love and stay safe!

Miss Heim-Sarac

He is risen.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac