On Thursday, the children celebrated World Book Day and had a wonderful time! I was very sad to have missed it as World Book Day is one of my favourite days of the year. I have seen some lovely pictures of their costumes; thank you very much for all your effort with these! I have been out of school this week to help produce the Shakespeare Festival at the Grand Theatre. Mrs Sinclair, who taught the children in my absence, has said the children behaved brilliantly and she had a great week with them. This doesn’t surprise me, I certainly missed them while I was away! I wanted to say a huge congratulations to all the children who took part in the Shakespeare performance this week - they blew us away with their confidence and commitment. A big thank you also to the parents of these children who have supported them on this journey. Some wonderful memories have been made!

Last week, we also marked the start of Lent with our Ash Wednesday mass over at Church. We then came back to school and made our own Lenten promises. The children really took the time to think carefully about what they wanted to do - not just by fasting, but by praying and giving too. Ask your child if they are managing to stick to their promise!

Here is what the children have been learning over the past couple  of weeks…

-Maths: we have learnt how to find fractions of amounts, how to spot right angles, what the properties of 2D shapes are and how to find the perimeter of a shape!

-English: the children have continued their work on playscripts and have also learnt how to identify and use subordinate clauses.

-Science: the children have continued their work on forces and magnets and have learnt how to identify the poles on a magnet.

-Geography: the children created a fact file on a European country.

Plus lots of other fantastic learning!


  • Last Friday I sent home your child’s mid-term report. I would be very grateful if you could return the slip at the bottom of the report with any comments you may have. Please also feel free to make an appointment to see me if you wish to discuss your child’s progress.

Award winners:

-Golden: Sam & Millie

-Maths: Summer

-Writing: Leo and Vinny

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac