This week in Year 3 we have all been shining our lights for Jesus in lots of lovely ways. The children have worked so hard and produced some fantastic work. Not only this; but we achieved 100% attendance for the second week running and we collected the most stars for lining up beautifully. Well done Year 3! The children have also been thinking about how they can transform in to better people during our worships by thinking about how they can be more grateful, kind, selfless and caring.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have done two tests this week and recapped how to subtract by counting up.

-English: we have learnt about stage directions and how to include them when writing a playscript. We have also created a new piece of dialogue between two characters in our play, A Tune of Lies.

-Science: we made our own compasses and went on a treasure hunt around school! We also did an experiment on magnet strength by seeing how many paperclips (in a chain) different magnets could hold.

-R.E.: we have learnt about the story of The Prodigal Son and we have also started to learn about the sacrament of reconciliation. We have thought about what we need to do to prepare for this sacrament.

Another busy week!


  •  Coronavirus: we are encouraging all children in school to wash their hands more regularly and thoroughly. Today, our school nurse demonstrated to the children how to do this - by washing their hands for 20 seconds to the tune of happy birthday (approximately twice through). We are also asking all children to catch any coughs and sneezes in tissues which are then to be put straight in the bin and hands washed. Please also encourage this behaviour at home. 

  • A reminder to the parents of children taking their Holy Communion this year - please ensure your child’s ‘I Belong’ book is in school every Tuesday.

  • A date for your diary: Tuesday 31st March, 9.15am - this is the Year 3 Easter assembly on the events of The Last Supper.

Award winners this week are:

-Maths: Maisy

-Golden: Vinny

No writing award was handed out today.

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac