Time really does fly when you’re having fun! I can’t believe we are at the end of another half term; and what a half term it’s been. The children have been fantastic and have worked so hard; I am very proud of every single one of them. This week, in our worships, we have been thinking of the gifts God has given us; and how we can use these gifts to shine God’s light. Well, the children have certainly done just that this term. They have been kind, respectful, hard working, curious, active and faith filled. A joy to teach!

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have been learning about equivalent fractions.

-English: we have learnt all about the present perfect and simple past tenses - very tricky but the children used their growth mindsets to rise to the challenge!

-Computing: we spent Tuesday afternoon learning about how we can be safer online for Safer Internet Day. We learnt all about our online identity and how we can choose what information we share online.

-Art: the children completed their artwork of The Wild Robot using watercolours and poster paints. I am very impressed!


  • World Book Day - 5th March. The children can come dressed as their favourite character from a book or they can bring a prop based on their character. If the children choose the second option they will still need to be in school uniform.

  • Thank you for all your kind donations for silly sock day.

  • Please spread the word about our Reception/Year 1 Julia Donaldson event on the 28th February - 5-6.15pm. Tickets are £3 from the office.

  • After half term we will be starting our Daily Mile! The track has been painted on the playground and the children are excited to begin. More information to follow after half term.

  • On February 28th mid term reports will be sent home.

Awards this week went to:

-Golden: Ebony

-Writing: Kyran

-Maths: Abigail

There will be no homework over the holiday however please encourage your child to still read daily.

Have a lovely half term,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac