In our worships this week we have had a focus on faithfulness. We have discussed what this means and learnt about some of the Saints who showed their faithfulness in beautiful ways. We spoke about Anna, who fasted and worshipped at the temple for 60 days before Jesus was presented at the temple. There must have been times when Anna wondered what she was doing but she still carried on with her mission. That is because she had true faith in God. For the children, we discussed that being faithful means doing everything we do with great love; however small those things are.

I have been super proud of the children this week; they have done some fantastic learning…

-Maths: we have been focusing on our times tables this week and their matching division facts.

-English: we have now completed our new episodes of A Tale of Two Robots and we have now planned a new episode of The Iron Man. The children have also recounted the book we have just finished reading in class, The Wild Robot. Lots of wonderful writing this week!

-Science: we spoke about how we use magnets in our everyday lives and came up with inventions that include magnets that could make our everyday lives easier. There were some interesting suggestions!

-R.E: we learnt about the story of The Lost Sheep - a story that tells us that whenever we sin and stray off our paths; God will always be there to find us and bring us home.

-Geography: we learnt about the different features of various European countries.

-Art: the children have started to create some fantastic watercolour pictures of The Wild Robot. Some of these entries will be entered in to our local Seasiders art competition. Watch this space!


  • Silly Sock Day on the 13th February - children are still to wear school uniform but with their silly socks/tights. Please bring a £1 donation on this day.

  • We have our last Yoga session with Mrs Ward this coming Tuesday. After half term the children will only need to wear their PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays.

  • Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 11th February. We will be spending the whole morning learning about how we can be safer online.

  • School finished for half term on the 14th February at normal finishing time.

  • On February 28th there is a Julia Donaldson Reception and Year 1 event, tickets are £3 at the office. Please spread the word about this.

Award winners this week:

-Golden: Leo & Lily

-Maths: Summer

-Writing: Idana & Livia

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks and have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac